This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Sky is Falling!

Okay so it's just my bathroom ceiling and it's not really falling all that quickly. I could easily avoid the debris, but as I have only one, I figure a little drama would be okay. A pictoral for yall to peruse.

First picture is from June 19 (as I'm sure yall can see as the date is on the picture). It's an obvious blister that's starting to crack.

Next one is from 12 days later on July 1. The crack has grown tremendously, as has the odor of mildew, mold and general decay. It's not pleasant and the crack creeps me out. Who knows what could be crawling, growing, reproducing in the walls and ceiling??

Maybe this is where all those mutant crickets (aka cave crickets) are coming from!

The third picture is from after the maintenance man was by on July 1. He took some plastic grocery bags and ripped the bubbled drywall? paneling? (whatever the term is for what composes a ceiling in an apt.) out of the ceiling. Not only did bits of ceiling stuff fall all over my tub but his work boots left black smears on my tub. I wonder how much crap he walked off on my carpet getting to the bathroom.

Ruler is there to give perspective on the size of the hole. Plus I just wanted to use it.

Next picture shows you a lovely view of my neighbor's pipes. Oh and some glistening water droplets. I wonder if they would charge me more rent if they realized I had such a stunning and breathtaking view.

Thankfully no critters were in the shot. I might have fallen in the tub if something had moved or winked at me.

Last picture is the lovely patch job I did. The plastic bag is still there. Except now it has debris and two dead cave crickets in it. I put it up because showering with a gaping hole in the ceiling was too creepy for me and the smell was ..not pleasant. Very dank and musty and damp. I didn't want my whole apartment to smell like that, plus I'm allergic to mold.

On the bright side, the upstairs bath doesn't seem to be leaking like it was. If it had been the tape would never have held the plastic bag to the ceiling. I think the only reason the bag is still in place is because I used (clear) duct tape.
hmmm...cave crickets. I haven't seen the likes of those since...oh, a very long time ago. Back at the Old House. (I had ceiling blisters like that too.) :) Good luck.
I haven't seen any cave crickets for a couple days know *knocks on wood* so I hope they're done invading my turf.

The hole in my ceiling is still there. I had to retape my plastic bag on though. Apparently clear duct tape isn't as formidable as the original.
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