This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

AEIOU and Sometimes Y

Nothing squirrelly going on here. Honest. Just me rearranging a blog's title. It's actually called aiueo sometimes y and is just squirrelly enough to keep me entertained. That and I know the writer, Trynn Diesel. Okay yall, go peruse.
Thanx for the kudos. You got my vowels all mixed up, haha.
Better your vowels than your ...owls. Yeah. Owls. ;)
Okay so I fixed it. My brain had serious issues with the vowels in that order. Apparently elementary school had more mind control in it than I originally anticipated.

Hope your owls are fine. ;)
You are too funny. Happy Friday to you. First week at the new job went ok. You know, the baby steps -- getting me into the server and activating my phone line. I figured if I can survive the first two weeks, I'm good for the next 5 years (?) Who knows. I get mixed messages from my lovely co-workers. We never seem to be content at what we do. I dunno why.
Yeah, I've found that at every job I've had someone is always unhappy and feels underappreciated. No denying that I've been one of those folks. Just wish I could find a place to work where Everyone felt valuable as a person first then as an employee. And was compensated so as not to need a second job just to make necessary ends meet (rent, electricity, etc. not dinners out, fancy clothes, movies, etc.).

Ah well, maybe my next job. Wherever and whatever that might be. I'm glad you seem to be getting along okay. Hope the moral at the new place is better than at the one you left!!
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