About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Decaf, half cow, Espressamal Frappacino
I stopped in at Starbucks this morning for an espresso frappacino. I was up til almost 1 reading Twelve Sharp, the newest Janet Evanovich novel with bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. It didn't take me but maybe three hours to read it. I barely laughed. I kept hoping it'd get better, funnier but no. Maybe I'm just spoiled by her earlier works, before she became such a huge writing name. Her last couple of books have been duds. Thank heavens for the library.
Anyway, figured I could use the espresso this morning plus I didn't have anything for breakfast so I picked up a muffin too. I have no idea what the guy did but I made $0.04. Total came to $7.68, I gave him $20.03 and he gave me $12.39 in change. I told him it should just be $0.35 since and he looked confused, printed out the receipt, checked the change in his hand and gave it to me. I didn't want pennies, that's why I gave him three in the first place. Ah well.
Then the lady making my frapp was asking me how many shots I wanted. I said how ever many usually come with an espresso frappacino. She's made it for me before, so I don't know what her problem is. Maybe they all took clueless pills this morning?
Nearly eight minutes later she hands me my drink and says "coffee err caramel err espressee frappacino. Oh you know what I mean." I walk over to get a straw and say, "Hopefully it's an espresso." and walk out the door. It's not quite an espresso but it's stronger than coffee. And I seriously doubt that I got skim or organic milk in it, let alone organic skim milk. Don't think I'll be back to that one anytime soon.
Anyway, figured I could use the espresso this morning plus I didn't have anything for breakfast so I picked up a muffin too. I have no idea what the guy did but I made $0.04. Total came to $7.68, I gave him $20.03 and he gave me $12.39 in change. I told him it should just be $0.35 since and he looked confused, printed out the receipt, checked the change in his hand and gave it to me. I didn't want pennies, that's why I gave him three in the first place. Ah well.
Then the lady making my frapp was asking me how many shots I wanted. I said how ever many usually come with an espresso frappacino. She's made it for me before, so I don't know what her problem is. Maybe they all took clueless pills this morning?
Nearly eight minutes later she hands me my drink and says "coffee err caramel err espressee frappacino. Oh you know what I mean." I walk over to get a straw and say, "Hopefully it's an espresso." and walk out the door. It's not quite an espresso but it's stronger than coffee. And I seriously doubt that I got skim or organic milk in it, let alone organic skim milk. Don't think I'll be back to that one anytime soon.