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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Even Clipboards Can Be Wrong: Another Shuttle Shenanigan
This time the driver was female. She showed up at 4.25 and had no clue where she was going, "I just drive in circles!" When the guy (passenger) tried to ask about street names, apartment names, etc. she said, "I don't know names! Circles!" And handed the guy the clipboard while she waved her hand in a, you got it, circle. What is it with stand-in drivers and their clipboards? Do they worship at Staples? Office Depot? Are they deciples of the Lord of Office Supplies? Apparently even Lord Clipboard can make mistakes because she missed her first run and was 20 minutes late for her second run. Or, more likely, she missed her first two runs because Lord Clipboard distracted her with circles and she thought she was driving the other driver's schedule. Pesky, sneaky clipboards!!
Some other people board the shuttle while the circle conversation continues. I stay back, waiting to see if there is a determination of the final destination. I had no desire to get on a shuttle bus and ride in "circles". As we're waiting there, listening and watching the driver and the guy determining what circle she was driving, our regular bus shows up. That's the one I board.
Most of us pile on the normal shuttle bus with our regular driver. Some daring souls get on the other one. Then we pull away and Circle Lady follows. The entire circuit she was on the bumper of the regular driver. Hopefully she's paying attention to things like exits, street signs, shuttle stops and not just memorizing what the back of the other shuttle looks like.
Logically one of the drivers would have waited at the metro station so that people wanting the 4.50 shuttle will actually have one to board. But I guess the Clipboard hypnotized her into following. I sincerely hope they weren't driving two shuttle busses, back to back, all night. But then again, it's quite apparent that logic is not a factor in determining who drives.
Some other people board the shuttle while the circle conversation continues. I stay back, waiting to see if there is a determination of the final destination. I had no desire to get on a shuttle bus and ride in "circles". As we're waiting there, listening and watching the driver and the guy determining what circle she was driving, our regular bus shows up. That's the one I board.
Most of us pile on the normal shuttle bus with our regular driver. Some daring souls get on the other one. Then we pull away and Circle Lady follows. The entire circuit she was on the bumper of the regular driver. Hopefully she's paying attention to things like exits, street signs, shuttle stops and not just memorizing what the back of the other shuttle looks like.
Logically one of the drivers would have waited at the metro station so that people wanting the 4.50 shuttle will actually have one to board. But I guess the Clipboard hypnotized her into following. I sincerely hope they weren't driving two shuttle busses, back to back, all night. But then again, it's quite apparent that logic is not a factor in determining who drives.
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I was initially confused by your title. When you said "shuttle", was thinking of 'The Space Shuttle' not 'Apartment Shuttle'. But after reading the next couple of lines, I wasn't confused anymore...
Thought you might enjoy my confusion.
Thought you might enjoy my confusion.
As I told you yesteday(?) I thought by adding the Another Shuttle Shenanigan to the title, it would clarify that I was talking about my apt. shuttle and not the space shuttle. Since I had written up an apt shuttle incident the previous week.
Err, that is, I meant to confuse you! yeah!! ;)
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Err, that is, I meant to confuse you! yeah!! ;)
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