This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Judiciously Judgemental

I got a letter in the mail from the Circuit Court. It's a pre-jury duty questionaire. Asking yes or no questions like, Are you a convicted felon? Have you committed treason? Have you lived in the state of VA for 12 months? In the city for 6 months? Are you a breast feeding mother? Are you soley responsible for a person with mental or physical dissabilities? etc. Also asks you to write in your name and address.

Couple of things struck me as squirrelly. Since the court sent this to ME at MY address, shouldn't they already know my name and address? And they're government related, right? So why don't they already know how long I've lived in this state and in this city? Especially with this administration in office. Another thing, since when could people other than Mothers breast feed their babies? Is there some new apparatus that allows fathers and/or siblings to jury rig their nipples to spout out breast milk? I hope not as that's just creepy.

So, we'll see. I may be called for jury duty in the future. Gee whiz. I may have to miss work if that happens. Shucky poo.
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