This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, August 04, 2006


b is over the hill! b is over the hill! Actually, he's over the mountains from me.. sorta kinda. I swear I wasn't picking on his age. Just his location. Honest. The fact that his birthday was yesterday is a total coincidence.

Obviously I'm at a blank for what to write today. Figure picking on one of my more regular readers would be fun. And I've already picked on the other two who come by regularly. Technically there is another one who reads but she's sworn to 'smack me upside the head' should I reveal any of her ...shenanigans. Mom's can be squirrelly like that. ;)

What else can I babble about? OH! The Dr. Pepper Berries & Cream is total crap! Utterly disgusting. I have 3/4 of a bottle sitting on my desk. Has been there since Wednesday. I can't bring myself to drink anymore (seriously disgusting) or throw it out (such a waste and what if I'm *really* desperate one day?). Maybe the soda fairy will come and pour it down the sink and recycle the bottle for me. Allay me of having to deal with the guilt.

It's possible. I mean the office supply fairy dropped off white out for me last night. And it's not that liquid crap that takes ages to dry. It's the rollie out tape style that can immediately be written on. Thanks OS Fairy Trynn! :)

Alright, enough random babbling. I'm gonna go get some cereal. Maybe some Fruit Loops as I'm obviously not nearly fruity or loopy enough today ;)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with my location. You can't pick on it!

And, as far as cereal goes, I'd have guessed something with nuts.
Yeah your location is aces. Especially with your mind boggling fantastically wonderful hockey club.

They were fresh out of grape nuts. Maybe next time.
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