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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
"News" Stories
I wasn't sure if I was going to write about the different dialect of cows, psycho killer raccoons, Kangaroo contraceptives or something else entirely today. Instead I tried for 25-30 minutes to find the article that inspired a tidbit in the free daily paper, Express: A Publication of the Washington Post. Sadly I couldn't find the article. It won't stop me from commenting on the one in the Express though.
Apparently in Jiangsu, China folks are trying to get more people to attend funerals of their loved ones (more people at the funeral = more luck for the families - I'm assuming families of the deceased person) by hiring strippers and musicians. Funerals have since become the most popular nighttime event, and families will sometimes host competing funerals in order to attract workers who come in search of a fun evening. The strippers have included snakes in their acts as well as bathing - wonder if they mixed the two, bathing with snakes, if that would draw more people? One singer claims he now owns three apartments because "business is so good".
Does anyone else find this bizarre, funny and disturbing? Glad you had a full life great-great-grandpa! Not everyday people live to 102. Thought we'd dance on your grave and ogle strippers to honor you. Please. Seems to me that the people just want another reason to party. Call it for what it is. None of this "luck to our families" crap.
Apparently in Jiangsu, China folks are trying to get more people to attend funerals of their loved ones (more people at the funeral = more luck for the families - I'm assuming families of the deceased person) by hiring strippers and musicians. Funerals have since become the most popular nighttime event, and families will sometimes host competing funerals in order to attract workers who come in search of a fun evening. The strippers have included snakes in their acts as well as bathing - wonder if they mixed the two, bathing with snakes, if that would draw more people? One singer claims he now owns three apartments because "business is so good".
Does anyone else find this bizarre, funny and disturbing? Glad you had a full life great-great-grandpa! Not everyday people live to 102. Thought we'd dance on your grave and ogle strippers to honor you. Please. Seems to me that the people just want another reason to party. Call it for what it is. None of this "luck to our families" crap.
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I see nothing wrong with jazzing up a funeral. We did the with my Great Uncle Fred and the tranny strippers were a real hit with the over-80 crowd.
Hopefully the tranny's weren't over 80 themselves. Altho, if that's what you prefer I'll make note of it for ...a future event. Canons anyone?
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