About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I was going to write about this weird dream I had this morning. It was seriously odd. Apparently the FDA had requird all allergy pills to be marked as not coming from Iran, Iraq and other places. The plastic package thing would say Iran Free or 3IK (for Iraq free). I don't know why, but it made total sense in my dream. My only thought was so they've finally started printing the new packages. Granted, as part of this dream I was over at my cousin's house (technically my aunt's house as my cousin and I were just high school age) and we were making cookies or getting cookies. I'm kinda fuzzy on this part. But it was the ladies who pulled up (friends of my aunt's) who had the new allergies drug that weren't made in Iran or Iraq. Seriously bizarre.
Anyway, I got to work at 7.20 today. Nearly an hour late because my apartment shuttle never showed. Apparently there's only one bus running this morning (as was the case yesterday, but since I didn't come to work, I didn't know) as one of the regular - read non-crazy - drivers is on vacation. The other driver was on vacation last week. I'm guessing there's only going to be one bus running in the morning all week. Which would be fine, had the management deigned to tell us this. Grrr. So I caught an express metrobus at 6.35 or so, got to the Pentagon at 6.55 got to my stop at 7.05 and caught the 7.10 bus to my building. woo flippin hoo. Sure it got me to work faster than catching the 7.00 shuttle from my apt but it also cost me $3.25 more. Tomorrow I'm going to aim for catching the 5.55 bus to Pentagon station. Should get me to work at 6.30 - my regular start time.
Hope yall have lovely day and keep an eye out for Ernesto.
Anyway, I got to work at 7.20 today. Nearly an hour late because my apartment shuttle never showed. Apparently there's only one bus running this morning (as was the case yesterday, but since I didn't come to work, I didn't know) as one of the regular - read non-crazy - drivers is on vacation. The other driver was on vacation last week. I'm guessing there's only going to be one bus running in the morning all week. Which would be fine, had the management deigned to tell us this. Grrr. So I caught an express metrobus at 6.35 or so, got to the Pentagon at 6.55 got to my stop at 7.05 and caught the 7.10 bus to my building. woo flippin hoo. Sure it got me to work faster than catching the 7.00 shuttle from my apt but it also cost me $3.25 more. Tomorrow I'm going to aim for catching the 5.55 bus to Pentagon station. Should get me to work at 6.30 - my regular start time.
Hope yall have lovely day and keep an eye out for Ernesto.