About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Spilt Milk
I decided to walk from the metro stop to my building this morning. No big deal as it's not quite a mile. I got to the metro stop at 6.21 and the next bus was due in four minutes. Sure I could've waited but it wasn't hot out, just humid, so I started off. I figure'd I'd get to my building the same time as the bus did (with the people that pile on and the number of times it stops, usually takes the bus 10-15 minutes to get to my stop).
As I was walking I got to thinking about the Starbucks I'll pass along the way. I haven't been in that one, it's not yet 6.30 AM, surely it won't be busy. I'm right, it's not busy. Just two people in line and two people picking up their drinks. I open the door and am struck by the odor of spoiled milk. I think it's not so bad, the line will move fast, I can tough this out. I was wrong. Three minutes later and there are still two people in front of me waiting to give their order and I'm seriously nauseated. I put my wallet away and leave.
I then decrease my pace dramatically as walking faster gives me the urge to vomit up my Safeway brand mini-wheat cereal I had 1.5 hours ago. I'm shuffling along and I see the bus at my stop ahead. If I hadn't stopped at the Stinky Starbucks, I'd have gotten to the building ahead of the bus. So at least my estimate was on target.
I'm still queasy. Man. I'm not sure I'll be able to have any variety of milk the next couple of days. On the bright side, I'm basically all alone on my side of the building. Two people here are on vacation and three have the day off. I should be able to rock away to my fi-pod and hopefully finish up this project that's due by Tuesday. I'm on page 669 and prolly have another 200 pages to go.
Happy Friday everyone! May your day be free of the smell of rotten milk!
As I was walking I got to thinking about the Starbucks I'll pass along the way. I haven't been in that one, it's not yet 6.30 AM, surely it won't be busy. I'm right, it's not busy. Just two people in line and two people picking up their drinks. I open the door and am struck by the odor of spoiled milk. I think it's not so bad, the line will move fast, I can tough this out. I was wrong. Three minutes later and there are still two people in front of me waiting to give their order and I'm seriously nauseated. I put my wallet away and leave.
I then decrease my pace dramatically as walking faster gives me the urge to vomit up my Safeway brand mini-wheat cereal I had 1.5 hours ago. I'm shuffling along and I see the bus at my stop ahead. If I hadn't stopped at the Stinky Starbucks, I'd have gotten to the building ahead of the bus. So at least my estimate was on target.
I'm still queasy. Man. I'm not sure I'll be able to have any variety of milk the next couple of days. On the bright side, I'm basically all alone on my side of the building. Two people here are on vacation and three have the day off. I should be able to rock away to my fi-pod and hopefully finish up this project that's due by Tuesday. I'm on page 669 and prolly have another 200 pages to go.
Happy Friday everyone! May your day be free of the smell of rotten milk!