This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Squirrelly Mission

Kelp told me about this news article out of Kokomo, Indiana by the Associated Press. It involved a squirrel invading a Duke Energy power substation and knocking out electricity to over 5,000 businesses and homes.

"We lost the squirrel and 5,039 customers for the space of an hour," Duke spokesman Rob Norris said.

What wasn't mentioned in the article was the invading squirrel's cohorts. The ones hiding in trees outside signaling the go ahead for Operation Black Nut. My contacts in the squirrelly world have graciously given me some inside information on the promise I don't reveal my sources. No problem there. I even masked the identity of the head squirrel lookout.

Let me just say this about last weekends actitivies. It was only a test. Government agencies are so worried about terrorists sneaking fluids on planes (can't even wear a gel bra or have one in your carry-on bag) that they fail to recognize the threat that squirrels on a mission can produce. Look for more squirrelly activity in the coming months.
We all have our talents. Mine is disguising squirrels. Well as I've been at war with squirrels in the past, I can safely say, Hide your bikes!!! They're vicious and thorough at shredding tires, seats, handlebar coverings.

If the human race were ever to go to war with squirells.. I feel the human overpopulation of the planet would no longer be an issue... And people wonder why I love cats so much...... ;)
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