About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
National Estuaries Day - Tomorrow
Sadly I'll veer away from my U2 theme to talk about another passion of mine. Cleaning & saving the environment. Yeah, I'm in Tree-Hugger-Extraordinare mode. I got this email on Tuesday (the fed gov't is so organized! *eye roll*) and will be spending my day tomorrow eyeballing the various estuaries online. Whole thing sounds totally cool to me! :)
Take a virtual trip to some of our nation’s estuaries live via the internet when EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) present “EstuaryLive 2006” on Friday September 29, 2006. EstuaryLive brings estuarine ecosystems into classrooms nationwide and provides students with a platform to take an active role in the learning experience -- they can ask real time questions during the field trips, many of which are answered live during the program.
You can log-on with thousands of students to see naturalists from EPA’s National Estuary Program (NEP), and NOAA’s National Estuarine Research Reserve guide you on tours though New York - New Jersey Harbor, Peconic Bay on Long Island, New York, South Slough in Oregon, and Padilla Bay in Washington. Once there you’ll explore eelgrass beds and tidal wetlands, examine the relationship between Coho Salmon and Dungeness Crabs, and see how research is conducted using the scientific method.
The NEP is a network of 28 programs across the country engaged in efforts of restoration, education, monitoring, and outreach. More about NEPs.
Participate in EstuaryLive 2006 (click on Estuary Live, then How to Participate, and you’ll be prompted to choose between windows media player or real player). You know you want to!
Broadcast Schedule Friday September 29th
Peconic NEP, New York
11:00 am-12:05 pm (Eastern)
8:00 am-9:05 am (Pacific)
New Jersey Harbor NEP, New York
12:10 pm-1:15 pm (Eastern)
9:10 am-10:15 am (Pacific)
South Slough NERR and Tillamook Bay NEP, Oregon
1:20 pm-2:25 pm (Eastern)
10:20 am-11:25 am (Pacific)
Padilla Bay NERR, Washington State
2:30 pm-3:35 pm (Eastern)
11:30 am-12:35 pm (Pacific)
Take a virtual trip to some of our nation’s estuaries live via the internet when EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) present “EstuaryLive 2006” on Friday September 29, 2006. EstuaryLive brings estuarine ecosystems into classrooms nationwide and provides students with a platform to take an active role in the learning experience -- they can ask real time questions during the field trips, many of which are answered live during the program.
You can log-on with thousands of students to see naturalists from EPA’s National Estuary Program (NEP), and NOAA’s National Estuarine Research Reserve guide you on tours though New York - New Jersey Harbor, Peconic Bay on Long Island, New York, South Slough in Oregon, and Padilla Bay in Washington. Once there you’ll explore eelgrass beds and tidal wetlands, examine the relationship between Coho Salmon and Dungeness Crabs, and see how research is conducted using the scientific method.
The NEP is a network of 28 programs across the country engaged in efforts of restoration, education, monitoring, and outreach. More about NEPs.
Participate in EstuaryLive 2006 (click on Estuary Live, then How to Participate, and you’ll be prompted to choose between windows media player or real player). You know you want to!
Broadcast Schedule Friday September 29th
Peconic NEP, New York
11:00 am-12:05 pm (Eastern)
8:00 am-9:05 am (Pacific)
New Jersey Harbor NEP, New York
12:10 pm-1:15 pm (Eastern)
9:10 am-10:15 am (Pacific)
South Slough NERR and Tillamook Bay NEP, Oregon
1:20 pm-2:25 pm (Eastern)
10:20 am-11:25 am (Pacific)
Padilla Bay NERR, Washington State
2:30 pm-3:35 pm (Eastern)
11:30 am-12:35 pm (Pacific)