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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Anxiety Attacks
There's currently an Evacuation in Apex, NC due to the explosion and subsequent toxic fumes from a hazardous waste storage facility. Over 15,000 people have been ordered to evacuate. The rest of Apex has been told to stay indoors, AC turned off, windows & doors shut and the news turned on. I heard a blurb about it on the radio on my way to work this morning and Elims was kind enough to have already sent me a link about the story so I didn't have to go find one on my own.
I've heard from some friends that they're okay but still awaiting word from others. Likely I'll be dealing with it at work when more details about the exact chemicals in the building are revealed.
Makes you realize that having minor anxiety attacks about NaNoWriMo being less than 30 days away and no real plot formation in mind seem rather, well, minor. Stay safe today folks.
I've heard from some friends that they're okay but still awaiting word from others. Likely I'll be dealing with it at work when more details about the exact chemicals in the building are revealed.
Makes you realize that having minor anxiety attacks about NaNoWriMo being less than 30 days away and no real plot formation in mind seem rather, well, minor. Stay safe today folks.
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Oh gosh. That is scary. There's an interstate train full of chlorine that runs beside our building here at my work. We don't have jurisdiction to stop them from taking this route. Can you imagine? Cars full of chlorine passing through the nation's capital. I do hope that the clean up will go smoothly and that it won't happen again in Apex. I hope your friends and family are ok.
Got the all clear from the last of my friends. All are safe & sound. Haven't heard anything about the cleanup though. All the rain on Friday cleared out the air but the groundwater, surface water & water tables are going to be a mess.
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