This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, October 02, 2006

False Alarm

My brother told me this rather amusing story about my nephew, JT, last week. I'm sure angelic JT - as shown on the left here, absolutely angelic, don't you think? What? Why'd I name the photo JTsly? Ummmm errrr cause JTangel was taken. Yeah. Yeah. Not because I think he looks like he's plotting something. Nope. Nosiree. - would never have done what he did on purpose. Err ummm hmm. Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure that's true. I will say that he's a Totally happy & sweet little boy who will be two in 26 days. Technically he's purely an innocent party to the events because he has yet to enter his Terrible Tows. Uh huh.

Last Thursday (about 4.10 in the afternoon) JT wanted to go outside at daycare. However, it wasn't outside time right then as it was raining & JT's dad would be by soon to take him home. Well, this wasn't going to stop JT. He went over to the door & tried to open it. Didn't work. He, apparently, saw this other handle right next to the door & he thought he'd give that a try, see if it'd let him outside. So he pulls it, the door doesn't open but some lights start to flash & this siren goes off. Yep, darling, sweet, innocent JT pulled the fire alarm.

Once the the daycare ladies figure out why lights & siren were going off, they look over to the door and see JT standing there, pointing in the air with his mouth hanging open in a big O. Surprise & wonder etched onto his face. The daycare attendants then had to round up all the kids & take them outside, as per the fire code. And yes, it was still raining.

Hey, you can't get mad at him. He took the initiative to do something to change his situation. While it may not have been exactly what he planned, he still got what he wanted. Of course, now he knows that if they won't let him outside at daycare, he just has to pull the lever by the door & he will not only get to go outside, but he'll get a light & sound show to boot.
I don't think I could've told the story any better myself. I just hope this isn't the start of what his future will be (ie always getting in trouble).
Cept that he didn't get into trouble this time.. Sooo maybe what you should've hoped for is that he doesn't get into trouble.. or that he doesn't do stuff that should get him into trouble but doesn't because he's so darned cute.

or something. my brain is a tad squirrellier than usual due to allergy medications temporarily detatching my brain from my body.
Ha! I can just picture the look on his face after pulling the alarm ... that's great!! Go, JT!!
His dad likened JT's reaction to that of an uber excited dog. Of all peeps who stop by here, I figure you'd get that analogy the best, E.
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