About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Check. Check. Oops!
I was packing for my Thanksgiving excursion last night (shocker! I packed the night Before and not the morning of!) whilst watching the Canes/Rangers hockey game. Let's just say my packing went Much better than the hockey. Stupid Rangers.
I had a mental checklist of what I needed. Plus I was chatting on YIM and friends were giving me reminders.
-Laptop - Nah. Don't need it.
-PJs - Umm shirt but no bottoms
-Toothpaste - Nah. Only big tubes, will bum from relatives.
-Toothbrush - Check!
-Eyeballs & their entourage - Check!
-Clothes (cleverly disguised as laundry) - Check!
-Fi-pod - Check! But will update music on it from laptop. Cd-rom drive not found??!! WHAT??!!
-Laptop (now needs once over by tech support) - Check!
-Curse at referees for missing penalties - Check! Check! Check! CHECK!
-Berate Commodore (Canes defenseman) for stupid penalty - Check! Check! (the twerp)
-Take out trash - Err no.
-Pack bottles into 1 one-quart sized zip top baggie (even things like chapstick which is not a liquid but maybe a gel?) - Check!
-Water plants - Uhh no.
-Open blinds a crack so plants will have sunlight - Oopsie
-Camera - Check!
-Extra batteries for camera & fi-pod - No.
-Text frequent flyer & query about carrying on backpack And laptop case & get into random tangent about how much makeup he wears at midnight** - Check!
-Cram everything into small bag & laptop case - Barely.
-Get some sleep - Check
-Call dad on cell before dawn & ask him about the laptop/backpack scenario since Frequent Flyer wasn't helpful (a trunk for makeup. Puhleeze!) - Check!
-Repack everything at 5.30 in the morning - Check!
-Eat breakfast - No.
-Pack pb&j for brunch - Check!
-Clobber people on metro & metrobus with backpack, laundry bag (I mean suitcase!) & laptop case - Check. Check. Check. Lots more checks.
-Get understanding smiles & okays - No.
-Get grunts & nods - Check.
-Get a snarky, "EXCUSE YOU" from grumpy person - Check (so what if I accidentally hit her with my backpack again while shifting so as not to Brush her any more. It's not like I did that on purpose. Maybe.)
But that's just the stuff I can remember from my mental list. Obviously it needs some tweaking.
**That is the conversation was at midnight. I don't mean that he only wears makeup at midnight. Although, that might be the case. Mental note: Ask Frequent Flyer how much makeup he wears at midnight.
I had a mental checklist of what I needed. Plus I was chatting on YIM and friends were giving me reminders.
-Laptop - Nah. Don't need it.
-PJs - Umm shirt but no bottoms
-Toothpaste - Nah. Only big tubes, will bum from relatives.
-Toothbrush - Check!
-Eyeballs & their entourage - Check!
-Clothes (cleverly disguised as laundry) - Check!
-Fi-pod - Check! But will update music on it from laptop. Cd-rom drive not found??!! WHAT??!!
-Laptop (now needs once over by tech support) - Check!
-Curse at referees for missing penalties - Check! Check! Check! CHECK!
-Berate Commodore (Canes defenseman) for stupid penalty - Check! Check! (the twerp)
-Take out trash - Err no.
-Pack bottles into 1 one-quart sized zip top baggie (even things like chapstick which is not a liquid but maybe a gel?) - Check!
-Water plants - Uhh no.
-Open blinds a crack so plants will have sunlight - Oopsie
-Camera - Check!
-Extra batteries for camera & fi-pod - No.
-Text frequent flyer & query about carrying on backpack And laptop case & get into random tangent about how much makeup he wears at midnight** - Check!
-Cram everything into small bag & laptop case - Barely.
-Get some sleep - Check
-Call dad on cell before dawn & ask him about the laptop/backpack scenario since Frequent Flyer wasn't helpful (a trunk for makeup. Puhleeze!) - Check!
-Repack everything at 5.30 in the morning - Check!
-Eat breakfast - No.
-Pack pb&j for brunch - Check!
-Clobber people on metro & metrobus with backpack, laundry bag (I mean suitcase!) & laptop case - Check. Check. Check. Lots more checks.
-Get understanding smiles & okays - No.
-Get grunts & nods - Check.
-Get a snarky, "EXCUSE YOU" from grumpy person - Check (so what if I accidentally hit her with my backpack again while shifting so as not to Brush her any more. It's not like I did that on purpose. Maybe.)
But that's just the stuff I can remember from my mental list. Obviously it needs some tweaking.
**That is the conversation was at midnight. I don't mean that he only wears makeup at midnight. Although, that might be the case. Mental note: Ask Frequent Flyer how much makeup he wears at midnight.