This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dar's a Star

Dar Williams show last night was Great! Just Dar and her guitar on stage. She's recovering from a "bit of the ick" so her voice was a little huskier than usual which worked well for some of the songs. The higher notes, not so much but her voice didn't crack so it's all good. She was chatty and fun, lots of laughter from her and the audience. She did an "impersonation" of Martha Stewart too. Said she was looking at the lights and how there were red & blue gels and that in crossover areas there was purple. An Obama purple. Then she thought of Martha Stewart coming out with a new purple paint color called Obama. It was funny.

I didn't get wet waiting outside for a line number either. The stage area is general admission so you go early to get a line number, then wait for your number to be called. There were four of us in line, under the overhang along the building about 15 feet from the front door. Quite obviously standing in a line. This lady arrives in a taxi and parks herself in front of the main entrance and yaks on her cell phone for the next 45 minutes. The line grows and grows and still she acts like she's fine. After the wind dies down and there's no longer any way ward raindrops coming down we shift the line to the Entrance and the three people ahead of me, inform the lady that she is not in line, that we are the line. She says, "Oh but I just went were it said Entrance." They explain to her how the process works and she gets all snotty and says, "I was here before you were." They say "No, you weren't." Her reply was, "I was at the entrance, you weren't" and she got back on her cell phone and didn't move.

Stupid cow acting like she was clueless but I overheard her inside talking to the people she met. She's been there many times before and knew Exactly how the lineup procedure went. Grrrr! I had the satisfaction of accidentally bumping into her as she was getting her bag searched. Not my fault she was blocking the door.

Only time I got really wet was inside when a pitcher of ice water on our table sprung a leak. The napkin levee burst and my leg was soaked. Granted when my leg was drenched is how we found out that there was a leak. The lights were down, opening act was on, who was looking at the table to see if there was water pooling? Caroline Herring is much less country in person, tho she does have that deep south accent. I'm still not sure if I'm a fan. A friend bought one of her cds & I'll borrow it to see if I like it.

I had planned on going to the Canes vs Craps game tonight. However, somewhere between my place & my cube I lost $20. There goes my ticket money for the game. Ah well, I'll just watch it at home and pretend I'm in the arena. But hey, I saw Dar last night! :)
Hey, that sounds like a typical G moment...with the pitcher and all ;-)

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