About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Stupid. Freaking. Thing. Gah!
So I had a nice little blog entry all typed up, spell checked (yeah, I know I should do that more often but I don't. So bite me) and ready to go. I click Publish Post and blogger kerpluies. I get an error page. I try going back, didn't work. I try refreshing - nada. My blog entry is gone.
Then blogger itself acts up and tells me that it Can't Find MY ENTIRE BLOG and I nearly scream ...inappropriate things at the webpage. Which would've been bad. Very Very Very bad as I'm at work. So I'm periodically copying this & saving it into a word document so that I won't be screwed over by Mondayitis yet again.
My initial post consisted of a rant about Mondayitis & coupons. I started out with my brief battle with one of the copy machines. It claimed a paper jam yet there wasn't one. I was trying to copy a sixteen page document and had to "clear" the paper jam between Each page. I'm pretty sure the copier was just toying with me. It wanted me to sit my arse down on that cold, cold floor (copy room is kept to a balmy 65 degrees F) and fiddle around with its innards. The sadistic bastard. Needless to say, I won. And that copier's ears may still be ringing from my slamming of the doors & drawers. Mwahahahahahaha.
Then I babbled on about how grocery store coupons and sales are part of a vast conspiracy to get you to buy stuff that you just don't need but Can't pass up because it's "such a good deal". For example I've had this coupon for a $1.00 off two jars of sugar free jam/jelly for a couple months now. It doesn't (didn't) expire until Jan or Feb 2007. I managed to not buy the jam/jelly because the sugar free stuff costs more than the sugar laden variety, even with the coupon. They also rarely have two different flavors that I would actually eat. Plus I already have a half jar of grape jelly in my fridge, I don't need any more.
Well, on Friday the sugar free stuff was on sale AND I had my coupon. Not only that but the store had blackberry And raspberry! Rarely do I see both flavors in stock at the same time. Vast conspiracy I tell you! I now have 2.5 jars of jam/jelly in my apartment and I can't even remember the last time I used the one I already had!
I didn't even tell yall how I was waylaid by a coworker explaining to me how he Didn't overflow the coffee pot this morning. He told me this while my arse was going numb on the copy room floor. And I have a papercut. And my coffee is cold. And there's a funky smell in the air.
In short, I have a bad case of Mondayitis.
Then blogger itself acts up and tells me that it Can't Find MY ENTIRE BLOG and I nearly scream ...inappropriate things at the webpage. Which would've been bad. Very Very Very bad as I'm at work. So I'm periodically copying this & saving it into a word document so that I won't be screwed over by Mondayitis yet again.
My initial post consisted of a rant about Mondayitis & coupons. I started out with my brief battle with one of the copy machines. It claimed a paper jam yet there wasn't one. I was trying to copy a sixteen page document and had to "clear" the paper jam between Each page. I'm pretty sure the copier was just toying with me. It wanted me to sit my arse down on that cold, cold floor (copy room is kept to a balmy 65 degrees F) and fiddle around with its innards. The sadistic bastard. Needless to say, I won. And that copier's ears may still be ringing from my slamming of the doors & drawers. Mwahahahahahaha.
Then I babbled on about how grocery store coupons and sales are part of a vast conspiracy to get you to buy stuff that you just don't need but Can't pass up because it's "such a good deal". For example I've had this coupon for a $1.00 off two jars of sugar free jam/jelly for a couple months now. It doesn't (didn't) expire until Jan or Feb 2007. I managed to not buy the jam/jelly because the sugar free stuff costs more than the sugar laden variety, even with the coupon. They also rarely have two different flavors that I would actually eat. Plus I already have a half jar of grape jelly in my fridge, I don't need any more.
Well, on Friday the sugar free stuff was on sale AND I had my coupon. Not only that but the store had blackberry And raspberry! Rarely do I see both flavors in stock at the same time. Vast conspiracy I tell you! I now have 2.5 jars of jam/jelly in my apartment and I can't even remember the last time I used the one I already had!
I didn't even tell yall how I was waylaid by a coworker explaining to me how he Didn't overflow the coffee pot this morning. He told me this while my arse was going numb on the copy room floor. And I have a papercut. And my coffee is cold. And there's a funky smell in the air.
In short, I have a bad case of Mondayitis.