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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Closet Conundrum
I get home from work about 5 yesterday evening to find a note stuck on the wall above the mailboxes for my building as well as a note stuck on my doorjamb. Basically, the note said:
Please clean off the floor of all your closets. Remove any items from on top of and around your refrigerator, stove and dishwasher. Maintenance will be coming in either Dec. 13 or 14 to check baseboards for holes.
What in hell is going on here? They give us less than 24 hrs notice to clean out closets AND parts of the kitchen?? What part of their brain makes them think it's okay to give such little notice? They could have told us Last Week that maintenance will be in sometime this week to check these areas. Then I could've begun cleaning out as needed gradually. And not spend my entire evening shoving stuff around. Closets are for storage and I use mine fully for that reason.
Also, the whole searching for holes aspect. What people get holes in their walls BEHIND their appliances??? My kitchen was remodeled just before I moved in (not even two years ago) don't you think that if there were any holes, they'd have been patched then?? If they're talking about holes because of critters, that's something they can Prevent. Is this their way of saying they don't take preventive measures to rid the buildings of any critters (furry or multi-legged)? I just don't get these people.
Thankfully I had some lovely French water as well as some Bermuda water to help me through the chores. I also watched some hockey and the Only version of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Jim Carey is a crappy "actor" and I refuse to watch him. I especially refuse to watch him slaughter a favorite show of mine. I still can't believe that the Dr. Seuss copyright holders okayed those two movies. Poor Ted is prolly still spinning in his grave.
Please clean off the floor of all your closets. Remove any items from on top of and around your refrigerator, stove and dishwasher. Maintenance will be coming in either Dec. 13 or 14 to check baseboards for holes.
What in hell is going on here? They give us less than 24 hrs notice to clean out closets AND parts of the kitchen?? What part of their brain makes them think it's okay to give such little notice? They could have told us Last Week that maintenance will be in sometime this week to check these areas. Then I could've begun cleaning out as needed gradually. And not spend my entire evening shoving stuff around. Closets are for storage and I use mine fully for that reason.
Also, the whole searching for holes aspect. What people get holes in their walls BEHIND their appliances??? My kitchen was remodeled just before I moved in (not even two years ago) don't you think that if there were any holes, they'd have been patched then?? If they're talking about holes because of critters, that's something they can Prevent. Is this their way of saying they don't take preventive measures to rid the buildings of any critters (furry or multi-legged)? I just don't get these people.
Thankfully I had some lovely French water as well as some Bermuda water to help me through the chores. I also watched some hockey and the Only version of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Jim Carey is a crappy "actor" and I refuse to watch him. I especially refuse to watch him slaughter a favorite show of mine. I still can't believe that the Dr. Seuss copyright holders okayed those two movies. Poor Ted is prolly still spinning in his grave.
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Hmm perhaps that's why I've seen neither whisker, dropping or tail of the meeces. I have U2 playing almost daily.
The powers of The Lads never cease to amaze me.
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The powers of The Lads never cease to amaze me.
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