This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

sick day

I can't blame blogger for no entry this morning. I can't even claim I forgot as I didn't. I just didn't feel like getting up off the couch, turning on the puter and writing something. Maybe it's hockey withdrawals?

The maintenance man came in to patch any holes from MICE in my kitchen while I was at the store. I'm rather alarmed by this. Have my neighbors spotted mice? I haven't seen any evidence of mice but it sounded like he was scrunching up paper in his hand. Like he had unwrapped something.

I was on the couch again, having exhausted myself on the ginger ale, cranberry juice & stick butter run to the grocery store. He was wrapping things up when I got back as all appliances were back in their spots. It was a tad unnerving to come home and have a strange man standing in my kitchen.

Funny thing. Guy who was doing the mice hole patching was the same guy who didn't want to come out and stop my sink from backfilling last Thursday. He didn't sound the same though. Totally different accent but the name & handwriting on the maintenance forms are the same. I wonder if there are two guys named Mohammad on the maintenance staff. The one who does work, the one who pawns work off on others.

Currently Mohammad (with the work ethic) is moving appliances around above me. Guess he doesn't have to go to the gym tonight.
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