About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Okay so blogger must've been hungover this morning as I couldn't access it. The party fiend. I wonder if it was hanging out with Cupcake this weekend....
Anywho, today was our "holiday lunch". We went to Ted's Montana Grill. I had a steak (cow not bison) that was pretty darn tasty, if a little salty. Despite being at a steakhouse, I managed to be surrounded by people eating seafood. Oy. The headache, mild nausea, coughing & watery eyes didn't stop me from enjoying the free meal though. Sitting near one of the VP's wasn't ideal but at least I was next to Kelp. She's always good for entertainment :)
Over the weekend I spent a dizzying amount of time looking for lemon juice at the grocery store. I ended up calling my mom and asking her where else I should look. I needed a fair amount so those little plastic bottles in the produce section wasn't going to cut it, especially considering how pricey they are. I finally found it (after finding an English speaking person & being directed to the powdered drinks aisle).
I made some more of my Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies on Sunday. The same ones that I made last year. This time I didn't goof up the sugar tho I did grate my thumb again. And the cookies are itty bitty. They're still sweeter & chocolate-ier than I prefer. Maybe because I didn't have quite enough of the powdered ginger. I used all I had and I wasn't about to go back out to the grocery store for more. I'd had enough of grocery stores on Saturday. I even added more of the freshly grated. Ah well, live & learn.
I also made some lemon squares (hence my need for lemon juice). I haven't tried those yet to see if they're tart enough. I figure I'll try them out tonight when I cut them up for transport into work tomorrow.
Anywho, today was our "holiday lunch". We went to Ted's Montana Grill. I had a steak (cow not bison) that was pretty darn tasty, if a little salty. Despite being at a steakhouse, I managed to be surrounded by people eating seafood. Oy. The headache, mild nausea, coughing & watery eyes didn't stop me from enjoying the free meal though. Sitting near one of the VP's wasn't ideal but at least I was next to Kelp. She's always good for entertainment :)
Over the weekend I spent a dizzying amount of time looking for lemon juice at the grocery store. I ended up calling my mom and asking her where else I should look. I needed a fair amount so those little plastic bottles in the produce section wasn't going to cut it, especially considering how pricey they are. I finally found it (after finding an English speaking person & being directed to the powdered drinks aisle).
I made some more of my Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies on Sunday. The same ones that I made last year. This time I didn't goof up the sugar tho I did grate my thumb again. And the cookies are itty bitty. They're still sweeter & chocolate-ier than I prefer. Maybe because I didn't have quite enough of the powdered ginger. I used all I had and I wasn't about to go back out to the grocery store for more. I'd had enough of grocery stores on Saturday. I even added more of the freshly grated. Ah well, live & learn.
I also made some lemon squares (hence my need for lemon juice). I haven't tried those yet to see if they're tart enough. I figure I'll try them out tonight when I cut them up for transport into work tomorrow.
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MMMmmmmmm.....Ted's Montana Grill.......That place is delicious! Maybe we'll go with friends this weekend...mmmm.....bison......
Minute Maid makes a frozen lemon juice.
Try Paula Deen's and let me know how they are :-)
sorry about the lack of HTML tags...I'm still pretty stupid with this stuff :-)
Minute Maid makes a frozen lemon juice.
Try Paula Deen's and let me know how they are :-)
sorry about the lack of HTML tags...I'm still pretty stupid with this stuff :-)
Yeah, her recipe is Very similar to the one I made. I dont know if it's exactly the same as the one I made. I'd have to get up to get my cookbook to be sure & I can't be bothered to do that right now.
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