This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Swedish Goat Not On Fire This Year... Yet

Apparently there's this 43 foot straw goat in Gavle, Sweden that the town puts up every holiday season. Tradition has been rather violent towards this innocent little err huge guy. He's been burned down 22 times (since 1966), had his legs cut off and other vandalizing. The goat is a yule symbol that predates Santa Claus as a gift bringer - who knew?

This year town officials doused the straw (covers a metal frame) goat with flame resistant chemicals typically used on airplanes. Still there's a camera set up that you can watch the goat, see if anybody tries to light another bonfire.

Swedish Goat Watching. Except it's not working at the moment. I'd tell you why but I don't speak or read Swedish. Feel free to randomly check the link & see if it works.
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