About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Definition of Eclectic Is.....
I had this brilliant idea for an entry today. Thought of it last night and neglected to jot it down so, of course, I can't remember what it was. Lemme retrace my steps yesterday...
Grocery store. Read the paper. Made a modified version of the Harvest Pork Stew (added green lentils, black eyed peas, used pureed cooked squash instead of cubed, granny smith instead of Mac appples, I coated the pork in flour before cooking in skillet (to thicken up the soup) & I put it in the crockpot) - it's okay, apples have lost all flavor & are mush though. Read a book. Thumbed through Q magazine. Texted peeps. OH! Right!
I was on Animal Planet last night :) AP was having a special on the Giant Pandas at the National Zoo. I was in a segment called Baby Panda's First Year which premiered last night.
I have to get this out of my system - Tai Shan is TOO CUTE! Oh man. He's such an adorable, cuddly, fuzzy little ball of cuteness. Okay. I think I'm good for now. But my sheer joy at his cuteness & squirrelly behavior is ever present. So don't be surprised if more commentary about how much I adore Tai Shan pops up.
Anyway I was on at the very end of the segement, during Tai Shan's first birthday party. Yes I went to the Zoo early on July 9, 2005, stood in line, sweated my eyebrows off just to stand at the observation deck with hundreds of other people and see him eat his fruitcicle. Well worth it. You can see my back and the back & side of my head. I recognized my hat. I think I was on the screen for all of three seconds :)
Also, a shocking thing happened to me on Saturday. I was watching the Crapitals vs Thrashers game and, at the very end, actually Cheered when Alex Semin scored with only 17 seconds remaining in Overtime. It was a pretty goal and a great pass from Emminger. Alex O. also ended his goal scoring drought during the game. Will my peeps in Raleigh ever let me watch hockey with them again?? Cheering on the crapitals -surely that's a sign of the apocalypse. I know Buffy would agree....
Grocery store. Read the paper. Made a modified version of the Harvest Pork Stew (added green lentils, black eyed peas, used pureed cooked squash instead of cubed, granny smith instead of Mac appples, I coated the pork in flour before cooking in skillet (to thicken up the soup) & I put it in the crockpot) - it's okay, apples have lost all flavor & are mush though. Read a book. Thumbed through Q magazine. Texted peeps. OH! Right!

I have to get this out of my system - Tai Shan is TOO CUTE! Oh man. He's such an adorable, cuddly, fuzzy little ball of cuteness. Okay. I think I'm good for now. But my sheer joy at his cuteness & squirrelly behavior is ever present. So don't be surprised if more commentary about how much I adore Tai Shan pops up.
Anyway I was on at the very end of the segement, during Tai Shan's first birthday party. Yes I went to the Zoo early on July 9, 2005, stood in line, sweated my eyebrows off just to stand at the observation deck with hundreds of other people and see him eat his fruitcicle. Well worth it. You can see my back and the back & side of my head. I recognized my hat. I think I was on the screen for all of three seconds :)
Also, a shocking thing happened to me on Saturday. I was watching the Crapitals vs Thrashers game and, at the very end, actually Cheered when Alex Semin scored with only 17 seconds remaining in Overtime. It was a pretty goal and a great pass from Emminger. Alex O. also ended his goal scoring drought during the game. Will my peeps in Raleigh ever let me watch hockey with them again?? Cheering on the crapitals -surely that's a sign of the apocalypse. I know Buffy would agree....
Labels: hockey, pork stew, Tai Shan, Washington Capitals