About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
On Your Knees!
Remember how I mentioned yesterday that walking in three inch heels is a pain? Yeah, well, it became even more painful yesterday afternoon when I did a face plant in the pantry.
The pantries are in the middle of the floor with doors on both sides. I often cut through the pantry to be like a chicken (get to the other side *rimshot*) as it cuts my 'commuting' time down from almost a minute to mere seconds. The floors are a non-skid rubber looking variety. If you don't pick your foot up, your shoe will not scuff forward like it would on carpet, tile, lineoleum, etc. It stays where it is & you stumble. Fine. No problem. Except when walking in the above mentioned shoes.
So I'm walking through, body moves forward, right foot stays in place. I twist trying to grab the table to prevent a fall. This knocks me further off balance, puts my arms akimbo & down I go. Had I not twisted, I could've put my hands in front of me & prevented the full face plant.
I've got lovely red rings on my knees, the one is missing a layer or two of skin. I also smacked my nose & forehead on the floor. My right shoe came off, the packet of papers I was carrying landed neatly on the table and I'm sprawled out on my face. I get up as quickly as I can manage with my singing knees & check my nose for any signs of bleeding. While my eyes are watering & my nose is sending out "ice me!" signals in tandem with my knees, no blood is flowing. I lucked out on that one.
The very best part of this whole endeavor? Not a person saw me fall or get back up. The pain, humiliation & embarrassment were witnessed by me alone. Thank god! I have no problems telling people what a clutz I am but I'd really rather not give presentations. I'm squirrelly like that.
Oddly enough while the floor looks like rubber, it does not promote bouncing. Who knew?
The pantries are in the middle of the floor with doors on both sides. I often cut through the pantry to be like a chicken (get to the other side *rimshot*) as it cuts my 'commuting' time down from almost a minute to mere seconds. The floors are a non-skid rubber looking variety. If you don't pick your foot up, your shoe will not scuff forward like it would on carpet, tile, lineoleum, etc. It stays where it is & you stumble. Fine. No problem. Except when walking in the above mentioned shoes.
So I'm walking through, body moves forward, right foot stays in place. I twist trying to grab the table to prevent a fall. This knocks me further off balance, puts my arms akimbo & down I go. Had I not twisted, I could've put my hands in front of me & prevented the full face plant.
I've got lovely red rings on my knees, the one is missing a layer or two of skin. I also smacked my nose & forehead on the floor. My right shoe came off, the packet of papers I was carrying landed neatly on the table and I'm sprawled out on my face. I get up as quickly as I can manage with my singing knees & check my nose for any signs of bleeding. While my eyes are watering & my nose is sending out "ice me!" signals in tandem with my knees, no blood is flowing. I lucked out on that one.
The very best part of this whole endeavor? Not a person saw me fall or get back up. The pain, humiliation & embarrassment were witnessed by me alone. Thank god! I have no problems telling people what a clutz I am but I'd really rather not give presentations. I'm squirrelly like that.
Oddly enough while the floor looks like rubber, it does not promote bouncing. Who knew?