About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Faraway, So Close
So the wintry mix turned out to be 90% snow and 10% freezing rain and drizzle. I guess that's still a mix. There's about 3.5 or 4 inches near me although it's been right at freezing or just above all night, so all kinds of melting going on. Which translates into work opening on time. Bummer.
I'm sure lots of folks will either be out or late. I'll be one of them but only because I want to limit my driving with the crazy people (i.e. the people who live here and don't know how to drive on roads that are wet, much less ones that have patches of snow and ice on them). I'm not saying I'm a stellar snowy road driver, living in the south for seven years kinda takes away your skills, but I know I'm better than a lot of the people on the roads.
Unrelatedly, I started reading You Suck: A Love Story last night. It's amusing and different from my usual reading fare in that it's more satire.
Canes won this weekend! C(r)aps won one (Sat) of the two meetings with the devils this weekend. I was rather surprised at the sheer number of folks who showed up for the game on Sunday. The ones that went got to see AO end his streak of no goals. Sadly they didn't get to see a win.
I'm sure lots of folks will either be out or late. I'll be one of them but only because I want to limit my driving with the crazy people (i.e. the people who live here and don't know how to drive on roads that are wet, much less ones that have patches of snow and ice on them). I'm not saying I'm a stellar snowy road driver, living in the south for seven years kinda takes away your skills, but I know I'm better than a lot of the people on the roads.
Unrelatedly, I started reading You Suck: A Love Story last night. It's amusing and different from my usual reading fare in that it's more satire.
Canes won this weekend! C(r)aps won one (Sat) of the two meetings with the devils this weekend. I was rather surprised at the sheer number of folks who showed up for the game on Sunday. The ones that went got to see AO end his streak of no goals. Sadly they didn't get to see a win.