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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Good Mornin'
Good Mornin'. Good Mornin'.
Sunbeams will soon smile through.
Good Mornin'. Good Mornin'
To you and you and you and you.
For those of you who dont recognize the song, it's from the movie Singin' In The Rain, which I watched this weekend. I've been humming the songs ever since.
Thankfully I'm off today. I'm sure my coworkers would want to smack me if I went around humming such a cheerful tune on a Monday morning.
There was a great hockey game last night. Penguins vs C(r)aps. Penguins won 3-2 but I found myself cheering for both teams and yelling at the refs on both of their behalfs. That's just wrong. I blame AO for this. I never used to have a problem disliking the C(r)aps. Ah well, that just means I have more opportunities to be happy that a team I (almost) like won, right? Canes beat the Canadiens on Saturday 5-3. I'm 100% thrilled about that :)
Sunbeams will soon smile through.
Good Mornin'. Good Mornin'
To you and you and you and you.
For those of you who dont recognize the song, it's from the movie Singin' In The Rain, which I watched this weekend. I've been humming the songs ever since.
Thankfully I'm off today. I'm sure my coworkers would want to smack me if I went around humming such a cheerful tune on a Monday morning.
There was a great hockey game last night. Penguins vs C(r)aps. Penguins won 3-2 but I found myself cheering for both teams and yelling at the refs on both of their behalfs. That's just wrong. I blame AO for this. I never used to have a problem disliking the C(r)aps. Ah well, that just means I have more opportunities to be happy that a team I (almost) like won, right? Canes beat the Canadiens on Saturday 5-3. I'm 100% thrilled about that :)
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For real. When you're lucky enough to have a player like AO on your (current) hometown team, you have to cheer em on.
Unless of course you live in my home town. And you get to watch Geno continue to demonstrate why maybe he could've been the #1 pick instead of Alex...
Unless of course you live in my home town. And you get to watch Geno continue to demonstrate why maybe he could've been the #1 pick instead of Alex...
Grrr! I swear I posted a reply at about 10 last night but nary a post by me do I see. wtf???
Ms. Diesel, that Redskins guy is great! ;)
Sir B. who the heck is Geno? One of the fictious players you created to be a "star" at the end of the game?
Ms. Diesel, that Redskins guy is great! ;)
Sir B. who the heck is Geno? One of the fictious players you created to be a "star" at the end of the game?
You hockey noobs make my head hurt. Don't know about the 3 stars of the game. Unbelievable.
Geno is Evgeni's nickname. It's been said that Evgeni is the Russian equivalent of "Eugene," so the rest of the team has dubbed him Geno.
Geno is Evgeni's nickname. It's been said that Evgeni is the Russian equivalent of "Eugene," so the rest of the team has dubbed him Geno.
Please. Calling me a noob is nothing. One of the maintenance guys said, "Have a nice day, sir." to me yesterday. Apparently sweats aren't that flattering. After that, I'm immune to your 'noob' name calling. Tho, for the record, I've been a hockey fan longer than I've known you. :)
As for Geno - they don't call him that when I see him play. They just call him Malkin. But I'll file that away in my memory banks. So next time I see the Penguins play, I can yell at him with his nickname.
As for Geno - they don't call him that when I see him play. They just call him Malkin. But I'll file that away in my memory banks. So next time I see the Penguins play, I can yell at him with his nickname.
Apparently so. I believe there was mention of my getting a new one though. Something with glasses and a fake nose & moustache.
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