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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Neon Heart, Day-Glo Eyes
Ever notice how a cup can have two sips of water left in it but as soon as you knock it over, there's enough water on your counter to make you worry about the condition of the Niagara Falls?
Or how when you've made couscous it kinda clumps together, until you drop some on the floor & then it scatters to the four corners of the room in individual pieces?
Crappy night - results wise - for hockey last night. Well, actually I barely follow the Western Division so Edmonton losing might be good for the Avs, I haven't checked. I do know that the Rangers winning was bad for the Canes. That and the Penguins losing was bad for b's overall happiness. Sorry boyo, I was right there with you - yelling at the tv aspect, anyway.
Happy Happy Happy Happy Vernal Equinox everyone! Officially at 20.07 spring begins. Celebrate as you see fit - dancing naked around a campire or, for you city dwellers, dance naked around a candle in your living room. Closing the blinds is up to you ;)
Or how when you've made couscous it kinda clumps together, until you drop some on the floor & then it scatters to the four corners of the room in individual pieces?
Crappy night - results wise - for hockey last night. Well, actually I barely follow the Western Division so Edmonton losing might be good for the Avs, I haven't checked. I do know that the Rangers winning was bad for the Canes. That and the Penguins losing was bad for b's overall happiness. Sorry boyo, I was right there with you - yelling at the tv aspect, anyway.
Happy Happy Happy Happy Vernal Equinox everyone! Officially at 20.07 spring begins. Celebrate as you see fit - dancing naked around a campire or, for you city dwellers, dance naked around a candle in your living room. Closing the blinds is up to you ;)
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*completely unrelated to post content* - but i freaking adore that lyric (and song) more than is ratonal. neon heart.
oh, and GO rangers ...
oh, and GO rangers ...
Well it's not as if the blog title is overly related (if at all) to the content.... :) I just had the song in my head this morning.
I don't know that emotions for a song have to be rational. Especially when Edge is playing the acoustic & it's just him & Bono crooning out In a Little While.. or Stay.. or the ZooTV version of RTSS. Man.. I don't have the words for what those songs mean to me. Just like the opening of COBL will always give me chills simply because the shows I saw all began with it.
For the record, I sorta like the Rangers.. but I'm cheering solely based on Playoff standings these days.
I don't know that emotions for a song have to be rational. Especially when Edge is playing the acoustic & it's just him & Bono crooning out In a Little While.. or Stay.. or the ZooTV version of RTSS. Man.. I don't have the words for what those songs mean to me. Just like the opening of COBL will always give me chills simply because the shows I saw all began with it.
For the record, I sorta like the Rangers.. but I'm cheering solely based on Playoff standings these days.
dear god, that person didn't just say "go rangers!" did they?
please continue to cheer on the rangers, but not for flukey, last-minute goals like that scuderi own-goal credited to jagr.
and not when they're playing the pens. we gotta take down the devils, you know.
and did anyone really dance naked around a candle?
please continue to cheer on the rangers, but not for flukey, last-minute goals like that scuderi own-goal credited to jagr.
and not when they're playing the pens. we gotta take down the devils, you know.
and did anyone really dance naked around a candle?
Down with the devils! Amen to that. Doesn't sound at all like you're still peeved about that crap goal, b. Nopers. Not that I wouldn't be if I were in your shoes....
As for the dancing naked bit.. yes b, people did.
As for the dancing naked bit.. yes b, people did.
wow. at least she didn't say "go islanders!" that's the sort of thing i'd hate a woman for. i can get on board for the rangers. after all, they're mostly ex-penguins anywho. ;)
Give her some credit, b. After all she does the initial as a name thing like you, she likes hockey (enough to comment anyway) & she loves U2. Really, what more could you want?
Just so's were clear...my words were "damn islanders!" OOh! That means you must love me, right? ;)
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Just so's were clear...my words were "damn islanders!" OOh! That means you must love me, right? ;)
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