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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Boom Cha
I didn't need another reason to loathe & detest american idol but last night, I got one anyway. Bono was on for less than 3 minutes. At the very end. Although it wasn't a complete waste of my time as I did get some boxes packed. Oh and I verified that my mute button works Really well. But it is two hours of my life I'll never get back.
Bono said nothing new. Well, unless you’re unfamiliar with one of the founding pillars of DATA and One. His trip to Africa and a life changing moment for him. Then he told the contestants (by no means of the imaginations can I call them singers as my eardrums wailed in agony anytime one of them “sang”) how they can do anything. Blah blah blah. Obviously the producers asked Bono to give a pep talk.
Oh Bono. Bono. Bono. I understand that you will talk to anyone, go anywhere to raise awareness and support for the unacceptable conditions in Africa and kudos to you for that. But I seriously felt filthier and more violated watching you on this show than when you talk to sleazy politicians (the current president, jesse helms, etc.). I hope you took a long hot shower after that taping. I know I did.
I couldn’t even flip over to hockey as every time I did the sabers, literally, scored goal. *sigh*
Rangers and Canucks both lost last night. Apparently my hockey curse is widespread and highly contagious. I can only hope the Canes recover during their downtime. If (when!) they do, all I have to do is cheer for the other team and the Canes are guaranteed victory. Or something.
Bono said nothing new. Well, unless you’re unfamiliar with one of the founding pillars of DATA and One. His trip to Africa and a life changing moment for him. Then he told the contestants (by no means of the imaginations can I call them singers as my eardrums wailed in agony anytime one of them “sang”) how they can do anything. Blah blah blah. Obviously the producers asked Bono to give a pep talk.
Oh Bono. Bono. Bono. I understand that you will talk to anyone, go anywhere to raise awareness and support for the unacceptable conditions in Africa and kudos to you for that. But I seriously felt filthier and more violated watching you on this show than when you talk to sleazy politicians (the current president, jesse helms, etc.). I hope you took a long hot shower after that taping. I know I did.
I couldn’t even flip over to hockey as every time I did the sabers, literally, scored goal. *sigh*
Rangers and Canucks both lost last night. Apparently my hockey curse is widespread and highly contagious. I can only hope the Canes recover during their downtime. If (when!) they do, all I have to do is cheer for the other team and the Canes are guaranteed victory. Or something.
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i was SO HAPPY he was on for such a brief moment. and i thought after watching all the other celebs who showed up (many of whom were credible people), as cheesy as the show is, for him to have skipped it would have been selfish and self aggrandizing. his appearance was brief and to the point. the fact that he was on at the very end of the show and "separate from the rest" - made it clear that he is more special than everyone else who showed up - and that he is way too cool to actually sing or dance for them. he came, he saw, he conquered. that's all.
Yeah, ya missed my point. I only watched the show because of him. So his being on at the end for such a short amount of time, highly irritating.
I don't care what others think of him or his actions. Whether or not they think he's cool or if his being on that show hampers his cool factor. That's their issue. Not mine.
The political aspects & ramifications of whether or not he showed, for how long he was on, what he did compared to others - whatever, that never entered my mind. He's a man doing amazing things. Raising awareness, bring hope & saving lives. Do I think his little blip on AI did any good in his efforts? No. Do I think they hampered his ongoing efforts? No.
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I don't care what others think of him or his actions. Whether or not they think he's cool or if his being on that show hampers his cool factor. That's their issue. Not mine.
The political aspects & ramifications of whether or not he showed, for how long he was on, what he did compared to others - whatever, that never entered my mind. He's a man doing amazing things. Raising awareness, bring hope & saving lives. Do I think his little blip on AI did any good in his efforts? No. Do I think they hampered his ongoing efforts? No.
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