About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Feel Like Trash, You Make Me Feel Clean
This Sunday (April 22) is Earth Day. Thank you Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WI 1963-1981) for taking the initiative to begin Earth Day in 1970. To find an Earth Day event in your area, go here.
Other Environmental Links for Earth Day information, ideas and involvement.
Earth Day Network
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Earth Day page
Natural Resources Defense Council Guide to Greener Living
The Nature Conservancy
Discovery Channel's Planet Earth
World Wildlife Fund
I'm seriously bummed. The Penguins lost last night. They're behind in the series vs the Senators, 3-1. On the bright side I got asnarky nifty picture of the zamboni during the 2nd intermission. Thanks again b. I know you didn't text the picture to rub it in that you were at a playoff game and I was at home, sitting on my floor drinking cold soda to nurse my sore throat. Apparently I need to yell louder and more vehemently since it seemed to help during the second period. Tho you can tell it wasn't the Canes playing because I still have a voice this morning.
Atlanta - what the hell is wrong with you guys????? Losing 7-0??? Behind in the series 3-0?? Sheesh.
Way to go Flames! Now, just three more wins and you'll be golden :)
Other Environmental Links for Earth Day information, ideas and involvement.
Earth Day Network
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Earth Day page
Natural Resources Defense Council Guide to Greener Living
The Nature Conservancy
Discovery Channel's Planet Earth
World Wildlife Fund
I'm seriously bummed. The Penguins lost last night. They're behind in the series vs the Senators, 3-1. On the bright side I got a
Atlanta - what the hell is wrong with you guys????? Losing 7-0??? Behind in the series 3-0?? Sheesh.
Way to go Flames! Now, just three more wins and you'll be golden :)
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Not snarky. I was gonna snap a picture after the next Penguins goal, but after Thunder Bay wunderkind Jordan Staal scored that first one...well...that's all she wrote.
Here's hoping to another in a long string of Ottawa early-round playoff collapses. 3 in a row is a lot, but the pressure's on them now. Jerks.
Here's hoping to another in a long string of Ottawa early-round playoff collapses. 3 in a row is a lot, but the pressure's on them now. Jerks.
Yeah, I mostly figured you're too nice to actively rub it in & be snarky. Mostly. ;)
I heart Jordan. He's freaking amazing. (Don't worry Cam, you're still my #1 hockey guy.)
I gotta say, I'm tired of the hockey announcers repeating the percentages of the team that wins game 3, wins the series. Bah. All they have to do is go back to last season. They can stuff their percentages (unless they bode well for the teams I'm favoring, of course).
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I heart Jordan. He's freaking amazing. (Don't worry Cam, you're still my #1 hockey guy.)
I gotta say, I'm tired of the hockey announcers repeating the percentages of the team that wins game 3, wins the series. Bah. All they have to do is go back to last season. They can stuff their percentages (unless they bode well for the teams I'm favoring, of course).
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