This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hippity Hoppity, Nausea's on its way...

This time of year there are all kinds of bunny paraphernalia. Everywhere. Stuffed animals, charm bracelets, clothing, candy, chocolate, etc. It's nigh on impossible to go anywhere without encountering a bunny of some sort. And let me tell you, some of them are pretty darn scary looking. Big white orbs bulging out of their head with little dots of color to be the iris.

Yall ever see the movie or read the book The Neverending Story? How about The Amityville Horror? or The Shining? Yeah, that's what those bug-eyed bunnies remind me of. Possessed things with glowing eyeballs.

Then, to make matters worse, someone Gives you a chocolate bunny. You can't throw it away because it's a Dark Chocolate bunny. So you sit there & decapitate it (have to get rid of those freaky eyes first). Then you're creeped out because you have this headless thing in your fridge with feet and a tail, clearly indicating that it Was a critter at one point.

As your mind ponders this, you're reminded of the above mentioned movies. Who's to say that the headless, chilled bunny can't find its way out of the fridge? So then you go and gnaw off it's feet and tail (just for good measure).

Now it's just a hunk of chocolate. Kinda curved on the sides, with grooves on it like someone took a rake to it. No big deal. Doesn't resemble any kind of (formerly) living being. Or does it? If you look at it with squinty eyes and your head tilted to the side, it kinda resembles The Blob. And yall know what kind of damage That thing did!

You polish off the rest of the (highly addictive) dark chocolate bunny's body. You're in the clear now. No more bunny or bunny parts to taunt you when you try to sleep. Except that now, you're feeling a little queasy.

Damn that bunny! He still got the last jab in! It had to be his game plan, if you're going to make me into a form that people gobble down by the basketful when normally they turn their noses up at eating bunnies for food, then by god I'm going to make you sick to your stomach for doing so! Sneaky little bunnies.

Err wait. You ever see Alien? Maybe I should go to the ER. On second thought, maybe I should schedule a visit with Father Karras.

Ahhh I so love the playoffs. Hockey game after hockey game after hockey game on tv. It's Heaven, I tell ya.

Super Cool!
My main man will soon be known as Dr. The Edge! :)
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