This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Everybody Wants A Little Sweetness, and Nothing Wrong, Nothing Wrong, Nothing Wrong

I look like I've had an accident. My hands have red streaks all over them, like they were sliced up pretty badly. No worries though, I'm okay. No cooking mishap or disturbed invidual intervention or anything. I merely made some crystal light (cherry pomegranate - immunity) this morning.

That stuff stains like crazy, your hands, the countertop, your lips, tongue & teeth. There's that mouthwash product for kids where you swill it around and it turns all the plaque blue. Screw that stuff, just drink some red colored crystal light. It does double duty as a thirst quencher/fluid builder upper and as a plaque revealer.

I wonder why they don't market it that way. Oh right. Who wants to go around with red gunk on their teeth? After drinking, swill some water or brush your teeth. Chewing gum helps - somewhat. There. That's my community service for the day. Have a good one, all.

Boo hiss. sabres won last night. I was hoping for a sweep. Ah well.
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