This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Feel Like I Can Fly, So High

I was going to embed this video, but I just can't bring myself to do it. It's only 17 seconds so give an eyeball when you have a minute. You'll likely want to replay it to make sure you actually saw what you thought you saw. And to check for any editing.

Season finale of Heroes was on last night. It was good but not as good as Gilmore Girls or The Office. Mostly because, at the end, why did brother dearest Nathan have to fly Peter into the air to detonate? Why couldn't Peter fly himself? Hmm?? Or be heaved into the air by big brother to detonate up high while Nathan does a swan dive for the ground? Eh. Hopefully next season Sylar will have mutated into some sort of sewer creature that can't handle sunlight & Nathan is alive and well, safely ensconced in his congressional office. Mostly I'd like to see their mom staked to an ant hill and covered in honey.

Oh and nice allusion to next season's big terror by Molly. Something scarier than the boogieman. Maybe it's a rabid IRS worker who makes the Heroes pay extra taxes?
How come there isn't a place to comment on yesterday's entry?
There is now. No idea how/why it was turned off. Weird. Thanks for letting me know.
is it wrong that i laughed at that video? i mean, wow. that had to hurt!
Yeah, I laughed too. Mostly after I watched the video and thought about it. That flip was really amazing. I'd give it a 9.5 as the landing was rather.. flat. ;)
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