This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Know When To Walk Away, Know When To Run

The other day, while riding the bus home from work, I encountered a ..disturbed individual. She was sitting in front of me and was reading the paper. No problem, I was doing a crossword puzzle in the paper, headphones on and doing my darnedest to ignore everyone. This wasn't so hard as I was sitting in the very back of the bus and the closest person was the lady in front of me. Which was good since the battery was low and I didn't actually have any music playing through my headphones.

About halfway to my stop, the lady in front of me starts talking. I figure she's on her cell phone. But then she begins fiddling with her bag and her hair, just twitching in general, so I can see that she doesn't have a cell phone held to either ear. Okay, no big deal. She's got one of those wireless dealies.

She fiddles with her hair some more & I can clearly see that she doesn't have anything clipped to either ear. Hmm. I start to acknowledge the creepy feeling that had been building. Then I remember that some phones have that earbud doodad, looks like a headphone for one ear. Surely that's what she's talking into. Especially now that she's arguing with ..someone about how tired she is.

"I'm so tired."
"No you're not!"
"Yes I am! It was a hard day."
"Get over it! Stop whining. You're not tired so stop saying you are!"
"But I *am* tired!! How can you tell me that I'm not when I know that I am!"

Heavy sighing and some muttering ensues. I'm a little unnerved but still thinking positive. Then she starts stretching her neck and twisting her head around. There is nothing in either ear. No ear bud, no wire, not even earrings. I think to myself, Uh oh, that can't be good. But she's not talking now, just muttering under her breath so maybe she was on the phone but had hung up?

She begins arguing again. She hadn't put anything up to her ear, hadn't dialed anything or answered a phone. She's arguing with herself. Out loud.

"When will you listen to me?! I AM TIRED! Stop badgering me!"
"Why do you whine so much? What's wrong with you?! I'm telling you you're not tired so stop bitching and moaning and saying that you are when I damn well know you're not!"
"But I need to rest! I'm exhausted. Shut up and leave me alone!"

People in front of her (closest was two seats up) twist around and look back. They could hear her now too. Uhhh yeah, definitely not a good sign. Thankfully my stop is next. I gather up my stuff as quietly as I can so as not to draw attention to myself. The agrument tapers down to mutters again as I get to my stop. Unfortunately The Arguer gets up and exits the bus at the same exit. Great. Psycho lady lives near me. Yippee.

I'm very glad that I maintained my Do Not Engage philosophy. Despite a couple of mmy "friends" suggesting that I either talk to her or laugh at her. Hmm maybe I should rethink who my friends are?
Hey....I meant you can laugh on the inside....:-P~~~
totally unrelated, check out this WONDERFUL news
Just to be clear, my advice was that you should go be friends with her. I'm sure the 3 of you would have had tons to talk about.
R - Laugh on the inside. Hmm. Maybe next time.

B - I should be friends with her because I'm in dire need of friends so I should choose someone mentally unstable because they will likely not object to being friends with me? Is that what you're saying?
Maybe I'm suggesting something about birds of a feather... :)
Yes, well, I thought of that too but dismissed it since it would indicate that you're as ..squirrelly as I am. And we both know that you won't admit to...errr aren't that ;)
This would all be a moot point if you'd just go move to the moon already.
WHAT?? You wouldn't be my friend if I move to the moon? Well damn, b. That's rather harsh, don't you think?

Or - on the less melodramatic side - do you mean I would have fewer disturbed individuals to worry about on the moon?
They'll have the inter-nets on the moon, so I'll still be able to post snarky comments on your blog to see if I get a response.

And, in regards to your less melodramatic only answer is that those of us still back here on earth would have one fewer disturbed individual to worry about. :)

And, that's what you get for texting me during my commute. Well-deserved.
Well, that's a load off my mind.

I see. No concern then about a disturbed invidual on the moon? Think about what I could do up there. I could trip, stumble into a wall, knock it down (everyone knows that moon houses were built fast, not for sturdiness) causing a domino effect that would level the entire condo complex. The collapse would happen so quickly, jarring the moon, knocking it out of orbit, altering the gravitational pull, changing the tides & causing tsunamis on Earth. Or worse.

Humm. But will text messages to/from the moon be included in regular cell texting packages? Well, before the collapsing condo complexes take out the cell towers, of course.

And, I gotta add, you were commuting then? Wow. I was taking a break at work. Seriously tho, that was some fast texting. Hope you were stopped at a light. Then again, most people have better texting & driving skills than I. Mostly because I don't text & drive at the same time.

Unrelatedly, yes, I could've made this comment much longer but figured I'd cut it short. ;)
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