This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Where Have All the Toe Rings Gone?

The Great American Toe Ring Search of 2007 is ongoing. Can yall believe that I still haven't found one? How sad is that? I'm pretty sure it's a government conspiracy. No! A cover up!!

First the lack of toe rings to be found.
Second the riots that are erupting everywhere due to this lack and
Third the cover up of the chaos.

Why do I get CNN email updates about some broad named Paris who is going to jail. Who cares about crap like that??? Give me toe ring updates CNN! That's *real* news.

I've got another mall or two to hit before the real depression and panic set in. Keep an eye out for riots near DC jewerly stores people. I may be sending up flares for reinforcements.

Many thanks, Sparkleberry
initial thoughts....who cares where they went? not me! Sorry if I'm not senstive to the toe ring state of things.
Obviously I care, boyo. Sheesh. Besides I don't want them for You to appreciate. Or for anyone else but me to enjoy. If others do, yay for them but my desire for toe decoration is purely for me. :)
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