This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Come Sail Away With Me...

I don't know about yall but I, for one, am glad that the news is talking about the Space Shuttle Atlantis' current mission in space. Sure it's all doom and gloom about the International Space Station's computers being on the fritz but at least it's information. Normally the astronauts are floating around up there, working diligently, risking their lives for scientific gain and all we ever hear about - maybe - is the launch and the landing. I'd much rather hear about this than the wars of the world. One story is about hope, the other about despair.

Anyway, the big announcement isn't actually that big. Especially since almost everyone here already knew about it - despite my not telling them. I quit my job. That sounds so melodramatic. I actually gave just over two weeks notice, so it's not a sudden departure or anything. Before yall ask, no, I don't have a new job lined up yet. Anyone know of any places hiring environmental scientists near Raleigh, NC? Anyone?
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