About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Sleight of Hand and Twist of Fate
I feel like I should post something really good today. Something Earth shattering. Well, maybe not That extreme as my goal in life is to Save the planet, not destroy it. This urge overcame me when I saw that t had checked in here twice before 7 am. Like maybe his day was going downhill already and he needed Something to make it better. Or perhaps he was just bored. Either way, I feel like I should try and help him out. Call it sibling guilt, boredom, as good a reason as any to post something lively.. Call it whatever you want. I'm on a mission...
Which means I can't post this link since t is the one who sent it to me. Bummer. It's a fun game. Kept me occupied for a bit. Sadly I conquered it. Several times. Yes that means I've managed to do the Expert levels which can be insanely hard! My kind of challenge :)
Umm, let's see, what else? Oh my current mission prolly means I can't post anything U2 related. Sadly t is lacking the most basic of genetics which tells him that U2 are the best band. Ever. Obviously illustrating that everyone has flaws.
He's not a big hockey fan, so I can't ramble on about that. Even if the season is over, I can find something hockey related to babble about. Hart Trophy contenders, for example. What's that? Yeah, I figure Sidney will get it.
Wait a minute here. Why should I take on the task of improving t's day?? He's the one who told me last night that 'Trout swim in the river and there are some called rainbow which are pretty' when I tried to ask him a perfectly reasonable question. With snarky commentary like that, I'm thinking *he* needs to do something to uplift *my* day.
Well? Hop to it, t.
Which means I can't post this link since t is the one who sent it to me. Bummer. It's a fun game. Kept me occupied for a bit. Sadly I conquered it. Several times. Yes that means I've managed to do the Expert levels which can be insanely hard! My kind of challenge :)
Umm, let's see, what else? Oh my current mission prolly means I can't post anything U2 related. Sadly t is lacking the most basic of genetics which tells him that U2 are the best band. Ever. Obviously illustrating that everyone has flaws.
He's not a big hockey fan, so I can't ramble on about that. Even if the season is over, I can find something hockey related to babble about. Hart Trophy contenders, for example. What's that? Yeah, I figure Sidney will get it.
Wait a minute here. Why should I take on the task of improving t's day?? He's the one who told me last night that 'Trout swim in the river and there are some called rainbow which are pretty' when I tried to ask him a perfectly reasonable question. With snarky commentary like that, I'm thinking *he* needs to do something to uplift *my* day.
Well? Hop to it, t.
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Trout. There are many varieties: brook, rainbow, sea, salmon, lake, brown, speckled, jack, kilgore, and possibly more. They can be found in lakes, streams, rivers, and other water ways that they can get to that provide plenty of flies. They primarily eat various types of flies which leads to fly fishing...
There are many links you can find by using your favorite search engine if you really need to know more about trout.
There are many links you can find by using your favorite search engine if you really need to know more about trout.
And obviously you've forgotten my question. Then again, you were busy being snarky & putting JT to bed...
I'd already spent over half an hour surfing the web (using assorted search engines) at work trying to find the info I was after. Like I would start calling people & polling friends if I hadn't take that step first. Sheesh.
Just shows my dedication to work. I was home and still trying to find the answer I was after. Yay me or something.
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I'd already spent over half an hour surfing the web (using assorted search engines) at work trying to find the info I was after. Like I would start calling people & polling friends if I hadn't take that step first. Sheesh.
Just shows my dedication to work. I was home and still trying to find the answer I was after. Yay me or something.
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