About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, June 18, 2007
We Cried for the Hills and the Trees
I'm channeling my inner environmentalist today. Actually, I channel her most everyday. Today I'm choosing to let her write.
Rock Out
07.07.07 is quickly approaching. For those unaware of what the big deal is about that day, read on. July 7, 2007 is the day of the 24 hour, 7 continent concert series called Live Earth. There are over 100 musicians scheduled to perform - all to combat the climate crisis.
There are some individuals who are scoffing at this. Claiming that the idea was stolen from the Live 8 concerts to combat global poverty. Why are they wasting their time arguing? Do they not understand that without action to save the environment, it won't matter how many people they save from poverty? They'll be dying for other reasons. Work together people! One World. One Life. One Love.
This is not to say that I'm actually a big fan of any of the musicians playing at any of the shows, mind you. Tho I do have more respect for them for actually Doing this show. Regardless if it's just for exposure or if it's because they sincerely believe in the cause. Their presence means their fans are there and maybe some of those fans will begin new environmentally friendly, sustainable habits. Every change made to reduce, reuse or recycle is a step made for the greener, regardless of how small it is.
Some books to read this summer - or any time, really.
I found a new artist this weekend. Her name is Christine Kane and today's blog title comes from her song Everything Green. She's a folk musician, so of course I adore her. Go listen to some of her stuff, maybe you'll like her yourself. :)
Rock Out
07.07.07 is quickly approaching. For those unaware of what the big deal is about that day, read on. July 7, 2007 is the day of the 24 hour, 7 continent concert series called Live Earth. There are over 100 musicians scheduled to perform - all to combat the climate crisis.
There are some individuals who are scoffing at this. Claiming that the idea was stolen from the Live 8 concerts to combat global poverty. Why are they wasting their time arguing? Do they not understand that without action to save the environment, it won't matter how many people they save from poverty? They'll be dying for other reasons. Work together people! One World. One Life. One Love.
This is not to say that I'm actually a big fan of any of the musicians playing at any of the shows, mind you. Tho I do have more respect for them for actually Doing this show. Regardless if it's just for exposure or if it's because they sincerely believe in the cause. Their presence means their fans are there and maybe some of those fans will begin new environmentally friendly, sustainable habits. Every change made to reduce, reuse or recycle is a step made for the greener, regardless of how small it is.
Some books to read this summer - or any time, really.
I found a new artist this weekend. Her name is Christine Kane and today's blog title comes from her song Everything Green. She's a folk musician, so of course I adore her. Go listen to some of her stuff, maybe you'll like her yourself. :)