About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Flying Beetles Forbidden Here
M & I were watching a movie when we hear this buzzing/humming noise. Then we hear much rustling & scrabbling. We look over & discover that Intruder (visiting cat) has struck again. Only this time she has brought in a big, freaky looking beetle.
If a cockroach could fly, this is what it would look like. I'd guess it was two inches long (at least) so it was prolly closer to 1.5 inches as having it fly at your face can tend to distort the size.
Intruder is playing with it as she did the lizard, without the biting. She paws at it & pounces. Leaps in the air, climbs the wall, runs behind & under chairs. It'd be cute if the bug wasn't so large, creepy & flying at us. Then the inevitable happens. Intruder loses interest in the beetle because it's been injured (missing a leg).
However, it is moving much too much for either M or I to catch it (even if we weren't totally squeamish & freaked by it). I did what any self respecting person would do. I grabbed a spray bottle of eye glass cleaner (before you mock me, it has isopropanol in it) and began drenching the beetle. It wasn't slowing it down fast enough. So M went to the laundry room & grabbed a spray bottle of Clorox. After drenching the beetle (and the boxes & papers beneath it), the beetle began slowing down & stumbling about. Since it had opportunity to fly and didn't, I scooped it up (figured I wouldn't get a face full of flying beetle) with a box lid & tossed it outside. Blech.
Yes, Intruder is still looking for the beetle despite it being tossed out a good 30 mins ago. And, more importantly, the cat door has been blocked off and will remain so while it is dark outside so as to prevent any more bug issues. Thankfully Intruder is leaving on Monday - I hope!
If a cockroach could fly, this is what it would look like. I'd guess it was two inches long (at least) so it was prolly closer to 1.5 inches as having it fly at your face can tend to distort the size.
Intruder is playing with it as she did the lizard, without the biting. She paws at it & pounces. Leaps in the air, climbs the wall, runs behind & under chairs. It'd be cute if the bug wasn't so large, creepy & flying at us. Then the inevitable happens. Intruder loses interest in the beetle because it's been injured (missing a leg).
However, it is moving much too much for either M or I to catch it (even if we weren't totally squeamish & freaked by it). I did what any self respecting person would do. I grabbed a spray bottle of eye glass cleaner (before you mock me, it has isopropanol in it) and began drenching the beetle. It wasn't slowing it down fast enough. So M went to the laundry room & grabbed a spray bottle of Clorox. After drenching the beetle (and the boxes & papers beneath it), the beetle began slowing down & stumbling about. Since it had opportunity to fly and didn't, I scooped it up (figured I wouldn't get a face full of flying beetle) with a box lid & tossed it outside. Blech.
Yes, Intruder is still looking for the beetle despite it being tossed out a good 30 mins ago. And, more importantly, the cat door has been blocked off and will remain so while it is dark outside so as to prevent any more bug issues. Thankfully Intruder is leaving on Monday - I hope!