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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Pink Is The New Bad Guy
Saw the new Harry Potter movie. From the debate in the car on the way home, there are several differences from the book. Lots of stuff left out. I'm told this is the norm for the HP movies. Shocker. What movie has ever been true to a book?
This is why I see the movies first, then read the books. Admittedly I've only read the first two HP books. Perhaps this summer, I'll read through book five.
Anywho, I liked the movie. Hated that lady in pink tho. Oy!
This is why I see the movies first, then read the books. Admittedly I've only read the first two HP books. Perhaps this summer, I'll read through book five.
Anywho, I liked the movie. Hated that lady in pink tho. Oy!
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LOL....That lady in pink is, I'm sure, worse in the book. I will no longer see the movies. I saw the first 4 and was thoroughly disappointed in ALL of them. Plus, half the characters are totally different in my head. ug. I hate being a book snob sometimes ;-)
Oh, and her name is Dolores Umbridge. Blech--she is hideous! The 5th book was one of my favorites. I still haven't quite come to terms with the events in the 6th book. However, I have reserved my copy of the 7th at my local mega chain bookstore.
Oh, and her name is Dolores Umbridge. Blech--she is hideous! The 5th book was one of my favorites. I still haven't quite come to terms with the events in the 6th book. However, I have reserved my copy of the 7th at my local mega chain bookstore.
I love, love, Love the movies and don't want to ruin them by reading the book first. I, too, am a book snob. I know if I read first, I won't like the movies and that would be horribly dissapointing.
Yes, I know the name of the irritating pink professor but I didn't feel like saying her name. So as not to ruin the movie for my vast quantities of readers. ;)
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Yes, I know the name of the irritating pink professor but I didn't feel like saying her name. So as not to ruin the movie for my vast quantities of readers. ;)
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