This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cat, Cosmo & Carbon...

Priss was reading an old copy of Cosmo on the living room floor earlier. Since she had felt the need to jump up on a cabinet (despite being told "NO" numerous times on previous occasions) to chew on a plant and ended up knocking over said plant and getting dirt and water all over some pictures, I felt the need to disturb her reading. Actually she was just lying on it but I'm pretty sure if she could read, she'd have been thumbing through it.

Anyway, I can't say as I've read Cosmo before. My impression of it had always been girly girls needing info on how to get a man, make a man happy, please him, trap him and marry him. With page after page after page about sex. Yeah, sad to say that my stereotypical thoughts were, in fact, correct. Good to be vindicated though.

The only good thing about the magazine (other than disturbing Priss and that I didn't spend any money on it) is that there was a two page article about things to do to lessen your carbon footprint. I was going to say real article but there are prolly lots of women who think the crap other articles are useful.

Sure the article was short (it wasn't talking about pleasing your man, after all) and contained stuff I already knew (setting your thermostat to 70 instead of 68 in the summer & 68 instead of 70 in the winter can save about 2,000 pounds of CO2 a year, for example) but that's cool. At least it was in there. Hopefully a plethora of people read it and made changes accordingly.

What? You didn't think I could turn an entry about a cat tormenting a plant and reading Cosmo into an entry about Global Warming? Please. I've got mad skills! (yo)
Why exactly are you so averse to the concept of pleasing your man?

And what weighs more? 2000 lbs of CO2, or 2000 lbs of feathers?

Not adverse to it, just don't need to read about what strange men like. Besides, there's more to life than pleasing my man. Him pleasing me, for one thing. :)

As for the CO2 & feathers query, I'd tell you but then it couldn't be the secret question/answer for environmental clubs everywhere. True tree hugging dirt worshipers know the answer. Trendy tree huggers don't. I guess we could always ask how many drips does it take to fill a bucket but any math person could figure that out.
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