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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I saw a commercial tonight that was a copy of one I saw last season. Well, last hockey season. The NFL is copying the NHL because they realize how freaking cool the NHL is. Silly, silly NFL.
Last hockey season there was a commercial with AO & Sid the Kid ordering crap & having it delivered to the others' hotel room, all the while claiming they were that person. The NFL commercial tonight did the same thing. Pitiful. Even if it did have Peyton in it.
Obviously hockey is cooler (no pun intended) than football. Also funnier. And faster. Not to say that I don't like football. But if it's a choice between the two, hockey's gonna win. Unless I'm not in control of the remote. Which, sadly, happens all too often.
Last hockey season there was a commercial with AO & Sid the Kid ordering crap & having it delivered to the others' hotel room, all the while claiming they were that person. The NFL commercial tonight did the same thing. Pitiful. Even if it did have Peyton in it.
Obviously hockey is cooler (no pun intended) than football. Also funnier. And faster. Not to say that I don't like football. But if it's a choice between the two, hockey's gonna win. Unless I'm not in control of the remote. Which, sadly, happens all too often.
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That's silly...a certain fast food chain has been playing on the Cubs/Sox rivalry for the past 2 years here. They use it to wake each other up. For instance, A. J. Pyrzinski is sleeping. Carlos Zambrono puts shaving cream in his hand and then tickles AJ's face with a feather. B/c AJ ends up with a face full of shaving cream while Big Z runs out and the commercial says "Wake Up to the Rivalry". Are the commercials like that? B/c if they are, then this fast food chain may have something to say about that...
Oh, and NHL over NFL any day!!!! We're considering a 5 game weekend ticket plan...
Oh, and NHL over NFL any day!!!! We're considering a 5 game weekend ticket plan...
Uhh no. They order food sent to the others' room. Sadly, I can't get the Crosby & Ovechkin commercial to load on youtube. Tho I did find the Reggie & Peyton commercial.
Peyton ordered up "enough chili to fill his bath tub" and said he was Reggie. Reggie called & said he was Peyton & had a cow delivered to 'his' room.
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Peyton ordered up "enough chili to fill his bath tub" and said he was Reggie. Reggie called & said he was Peyton & had a cow delivered to 'his' room.
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