This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Southern Fried Crackers

For some reason I get the names of two, fairly common, restaurants confused. Cracker Barrel and Golden Corral. One is a buffet, one is not. You'd think I could keep them straight. But no. I think the conversation I had with a friend on Friday helped fix that little issue of mine once and for all.

We were having a late lunch at Golden Corral when I mentioned my ..condition. After she finished looking at me in disbelief and saying (repeatedly), "they're not even close to being similar restaurants!" we dissected their names.

First up, Golden Corral (GC). We didn't focus on the Golden part, just Corral. Corral is a place where you herd a bunch of farm animals. Farm animals are not known for eating neatly but they are known for eating a lot. So it fits because GC is an all you can eat buffet. Humans are animals. People go there to eat like pigs. It's a perfect fit!

Now onto Cracker Barrel. Cracker is not just something crunchy to eat. It's also a scary person**. Cracker Barrel has a bunch of country stuff for sale. People who like all that country stuff (& buy it) are scary. All perfectly logical.

**Typically a scary white person. The times I've been at GC it's mostly white people I see buying that country ..stuff. But I didn't want to include that because it seemed overly racist.
I'm going to pretend like I didn't just read that you ate at Golden Corral...I believe you know my restaurant policy- No buffets or places with the word, catfish, in the title.
Well one can't always eat at the Waffle House...
What's wrong with a buffet?! Hating buffets is positively un-American! :)

Although, I could probably get on board for boycotting a restaurant with "catfish" in the name.

But, I feel I also have to admit that I love Waffle House.
I thought not liking apple pie was un-American? But if not liking buffets is, does that mean I'm neutral now? Since I like (some) buffets but not apple pie?

I boycott any and all seafood restaurants. Pesky thing called dying keeps me away.

Well Waffle House is good for what happens behind it.... Right, HD?
What happens behind the Waffle House stays behind the Waffle House.
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