This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Exceptional Drought Here

For those of yall who aren't aware, a large portion of NC is in stage D4 Drought - Exceptional. Which is the highest/driest it goes.

City of Raleigh's water supply (Falls Lake) is down about 7.5 feet.
City of Durham's water supply (Lake Michie) is down about 14 feet.
Town of Cary's primary reservoir (Jordan Lake) is down about 5.5 feet

Animation of drought progression in NC April 19-Oct. 9, 2007.

To my upstairs neighbor who feels the need to wash her Miata every week - Cut it out! Perhaps she's the one who swiped my recycling bin since she's obviously not environmentally conscious.

NC isn't the only state with Exceptional Drought, here's the U.S. Drought Monitor map for the Southeast. Think tropical system or even just regular storm systems for us, we could really use the wet.
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