This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

To the Person or Persons...

who took my recycling bin, bring it back. Sure it's lovely that you want to do your part in saving the environment but it's so not cool to take someone else's bin to do it.

It's quite obvious, if you didn't have one yesterday morning but you did yesterday night, or the number of your bins increased by one, then you're the thief. Return it now and karma may go easy on you, Jerk.
So sorry to hear about your bin. I had my stolen last year.

Just want to say thanks for the info about the Writers Seminars you posted on Nanowrimo.

This is my second year. I hope to win this year.

I live in Cary too. See ya at the seminars.

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