This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yet More Free Advice

Don't use a dull knife to cut butternut squash.

Butternut squash is hard to cut. It's even harder to cut with a dull knife. Using a dull knife on squash can cause a giant friction blister on your finger to arise which then pops, leaving a giant sore on your finger. And you're only halfway finished cutting up the squash half that you're using.

Additionally, don't place the cookie sheet that you're using as an overflow pan on top of the burner that you used to saute your shallots and garlic. The cookie sheet gets hot, fast, and when you go to put tinfoil on the pan, you can easily singe your palm. Several times.

Especially don't use a dull knife to cut butternut squash or put foil on a hot cookie sheet, when you are out of antibacterial ointment and band aids.

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