This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What Did You Do Today?

Yes this was posted on Sunday night and not Monday morning, get over it. You're still reading it on Monday morning.

Things I accomplished today (other than this post):
- Wrote over 2,000 words in my NaNoNovel (current total = 26,732)
- Attended a Last Minute Write-In where I wrote over 1,000 words
- Overheard two employees at a coffee shop ranting about something, challenged the other Wrimos to use two key phrases from this rant, in their novels. One did, one thought he might be able to, one refused and I did! (Phrases were "They're goin outta business!" and "You fat F*ck!!")
- Seriously wounded, if not killed, a character in my novel whom I had never intended on killing (poor guy)
- Set the stage to blow up a cafe with a grenade (also not intended)
- Laughed til I had tears at the phrase, "His face turned the color of squishy food!"
- Learned about the possible uses of unicorn horn zest (really, don't ask)
- Discussed Tupperware
- Attended an hour long meeting at work that lasted 105 minutes
- Took a nap
- Discussed, via text, the diet of sperm whales

All in all, a pretty busy day, don't you think?
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