This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let It Rain, Let It Rain, Let It Rain

Amusing link for yall to enjoy today. Have your sound on and explore the pages - After the narration is done. Thanks t

The bruises on my arms are getting darker, not fading. Could barely seem them at all yesterday (had a floor reset at work on Monday night - hence bruises) but as today went on, they became more visible. They're (thankfully) not obnoxious. I hope they stay that way, else TTTN might have a word or two with me this weekend.

*cry* my poor Canes.

Chance for some light rain Thursday and more rain this weekend. Yay! We've got about 96 days worth of drinking water right now.. Bring on the rain! Here's a picture of Falls Lake in October, it's not any fuller now than it was then. Raleigh will likely go to Stage 2 water restrictions next week, is talking about creating Stage 3 restrictions and is even looking to extract water from lake sediment to build up its water supply. This is the worst drought in North Carolina's recorded history.
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