This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Page 47

I was at a medical type facility last week. Not a doctor's office or a hospital, more like a Quick Care (doc in a box) type place. Where you go to pee in a cup for a drug test for work, worker's comp claim checkups, physicals, etc. Anyway, I had just gone in to the back, was taking my coat off when I look down the hallway and see something moving. I cock my head & watch a little longer just to be sure I wasn't seeing things (I had just been sick, after all).

It was a baby mouse. The nurse/technician is talking to me and I just look at her and then look down the hall and point. She looks and shrieks and runs behind the counter, telling the others. The mouse was a good 15-20 feet away and a baby, yet she is not the only nurse/tech freaking. It was rather amusing to see these women having a panic attack. One gets on the phone to call someone to come handle the situation. All work had stopped once I pointed out Mousey's existence.

I felt bad for Mousey. He was just stuttering around, kinda tipping over as he tried to walk. I'm pretty sure he had eaten some poison. Then when I hear the employees talking about how they've seen other mice and maintenance had laid traps, I was even more certain. Poor little Mousey.

And yes, I'm aware I had a slightly different viewpoint when a mouse was in my house earlier this year. I'm pretty sure I'd have had a different reaction if Mousey had been in my house this time too. However he was at a place that I likely won't be at again for another year - if at all. So I could afford to have a more sympathetic outlook.

I saw National Treasure Book of Secrets tonight. I love the puzzle/intrigue/conspiracy movies. I think I like the first one better. I'm not entirely certain tho, I'll have to watch them both again to be sure. Also, I think there was an allusion to another sequel - I hope so!

Lot of changes happened this year. Some good, some otherwise. Not sure what 2008 has in store, but I hope for more good, less bad for everyone I care about. Well, I don't wish ill on anyone really.. Part of that whole karma/'an it harm none, do as ye well'/golden rule thing.
Okay, so we saw Treasure Sunday and I REALLY enjoyed it! I think it's difficult for a sequel to be better or worse than the first. That being said, there seemed to be more clues and less cheese in the first. Plus the whole Freemason/Templar thing has been explored much more than a lost city of gold from the Lakotas that gets destroyed by the people who go find it but later gets reopened for excavation...

There were some MAJORLY cheesy moments and they seemed more obvious then the first but it was just a flat out FUN movie.

Oh, and stop dising refs...they're just doing their job ;-) JUST KIDDING!!!!
Fun - excellent way to describe the movie, thanks Muffin :)

As far as the reffies go - watch your mouth! What are you going to teach your kid(s)?!!! I thought you knew better than that! ;)
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