This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I Hear Ya, T...

Coming home from work 11.30 Friday night, I see three fire trucks, three ambulances and four police cars. The highway was down to one lane (usually four in that area). One or two of the fire trucks had rigged up some huge lights, making it look like daylight. Thankfully I was going the other direction and was not impacted by the accident scene, other than onlooker delay (by me).

Saturday morning, I go through the area and there is a deer on the side of the road. And skid marks. I'm guessing a car hit the deer and flipped over or hit other cars. Not certain though as I haven't watched the news in.. I don't know how long.

Saturday night I was coming home from work (about 11.30ish) and as I'm driving down my street, I see flashing lights. The street lights are off and the flashing lights are from an electric company truck and a fire truck. Apparently a transformer blew across the street, causing a fire. The power had been flickering, dimming, for the last month or so. Anyway, according to the neighbors, power went out around 10.30 or so. It came back on at 01.26 and went back out. Came on for good at 06.22. I know the times because of the smoke detector beeping & the heat kicking on.

Sunday night (yes, I was driving home from work but it was after dinner and more like 8.30) I drive by yet another incident. I couldn't tell you where or when or what. I only remember thinking "Huh, well I guess that's three". My brain (& body) are too tired to remember anything else.

Hopefully my drive home from work today will be less eventful.

Yay Canes for beating the Canadiens!!! Boo Hiss to the Red Wings.
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