This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Arms Entwined, The Chosen Few

I hope everyone, unless you're a ref (or a fan of any NHL team in NY), has a Happy, Healthy, and Productive 2008!

Since ref #34 & ref #28 are obviously blind & immoral (having been paid to call the game in favor of the islanders) I feel it's fair to call for their heads to be mounted on pikes. That way everyone can throw things at them. Or - better yet - put them in stockades with their eyes (which are apparently riddled with cataracts) pinned open & a whistle taped in their mouths. They'd have to watch the game over & for every call they missed during the game, they would have to blow the whistle 1,000 times. Just to make sure they knew how to work them. Apparently they are tricky devices.

To all the other refs, Get OVER your hatred of the SE division teams already! Whiny, idiots. Grow up!
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