This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Can I Borrow Some Saltines?

Important meeting today at work. I've been prepping for it for awhile now. Thankfully, until late last night and early this morning, I've been too busy to be nervous. Unfortunately that seems to have caused my nervousness to jump into overdrive. Should be interesting to see how I do today - have ginger ale, will (hopefully) not puke.

The second round playoffs start today. I'm thinking I may be able to watch more than 5-10 minutes of a game. I can tell myself that the fans of teams who have been eliminated are now getting the (snooty, imho) sale email from The one telling them that stuff with their team on it is on sale/clearance because they're not in the playoffs.

That email was just plain mean, As if we weren't heartbroken enough by not making the playoffs, you had to go and rub it in with an everything for your team is discounted because your team sucks and we want to make room for stuff for the non-sucky teams sale.
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