About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Dad, Can You Come Clean My Windshield?
The other night my departure was delayed by a spider on my windshield. I got in my car, put on my seat belt went to turn my keys and there it was. The spider. Nearly centered on my windshield, over my steering wheel. The worst thing, I could see its back.
It was brown and darker brown or black, so my first thought was brown recluse. I wasn't getting close enough to eyeball the design any more intently. I just slid over to the side & reached for my glove box. Thanks to family road trips when I was a kid, I keep napkins in there.
I grabbed four (at least) and carefully positioned them on my hand. I did not, in any way, want to feel spider squishing *shudder*. I took a couple deep breaths and went into squish mode. It worked. I now have a smear on the inside of my windshield but I didn't feel the squish.
For those campaigning for the catch-and-release, I didn't see you around to do that. I have a hard and fast rule with spiders, any bugs really, if you're outside I'll leave you alone. If you're inside, you're a goner. I've also managed to curtail my shrieking upon spotting one. Yay me.
I have also succeeded quite well in Not pondering where the spider came from and how it got into my car. Please refrain from speculating for me. I really don't need the nightmares.
It was brown and darker brown or black, so my first thought was brown recluse. I wasn't getting close enough to eyeball the design any more intently. I just slid over to the side & reached for my glove box. Thanks to family road trips when I was a kid, I keep napkins in there.
I grabbed four (at least) and carefully positioned them on my hand. I did not, in any way, want to feel spider squishing *shudder*. I took a couple deep breaths and went into squish mode. It worked. I now have a smear on the inside of my windshield but I didn't feel the squish.
For those campaigning for the catch-and-release, I didn't see you around to do that. I have a hard and fast rule with spiders, any bugs really, if you're outside I'll leave you alone. If you're inside, you're a goner. I've also managed to curtail my shrieking upon spotting one. Yay me.
I have also succeeded quite well in Not pondering where the spider came from and how it got into my car. Please refrain from speculating for me. I really don't need the nightmares.